Hi Everyone,

Thought it best to introduce myself to the Netbehaviour list now - before it's 
too late.

I am new here and am studying an MA in London, Art and Politics, Goldsmiths, 
originally from Canada. I come from a journalist back ground. So I suppose it 
was natural for me to find the origin of manifesto fascinating, and a challenge 
to myself. I clicked on the link from the Do It With Others at the Dark 
Mountain blog, and then read Paul Kingsnorth's post 
http://www.paulkingsnorth.net/2007/09/i-resign.html about why he had resigned 
"I travelled round England for nine months, uncovering real, meaningful, urgent 
and important stories, few of which the media have even noticed. I'm not some 
sort of investigative genius. I just got off my arse and moved about a bit and 
talked to people: ordinary, unglamorous people with remarkable stories to tell. 
That's what I thought journalists were supposed to do. [...]The point is that 
the country, and the world, are made up of stories; incredible stories of real 
people fighting real battles, and few of these stories are being told."

"I haven't got much further than that (though I do have a very good name). What 
I really need are collaborators; fellow writers and artists who see a space out 
there for something deeply, darkly unfashionable and defiant, and who would 
like to help make it happen. This is a long journey, I imagine, which begins 
here. I need people of integrity and ideas to help me shape it and make it 
happen. Interested? Then drop me a line and let's see if we're on the same 
wavelength. A journey begins here. Who knows where it will end up?"

Still wondering if I want to stay in the UK after the completion of my course. 
Have been to some events and shows at furtherfield's HTTP gallery - I hesitate 
calling it a gallery, because it seems so much different than the rest of the 
spaces I have visited. I went to the Class Wargames weekend, which was 
excellent, and I also went to the weekend opening for the Kate Rich show 'Feral 
Trade Cafe'. I brought my own home made cake to the event and there were loads 
of other people there, including those working at the space. What was so 
different from any other of my event and exhibition expriences, was how down to 
earth and friendly they were, I could talk to them even though I was not some 
high flyer. I was treated with as much respect as the artist taking part. I 
would say that this kind of unpretentiousness, connecting with visitors and 
anyone who just happend to be asking questions silly or otherwise, is a fair 
representation of most of furtherfield's acitivies and ideals, !
 not sure if they have any ideals actually. Note to self - must look deeper 
into this stuff.

My time on Netbehaviour has only been a couple of weeks at most, and already I 
have learnt so much. It's crazy, completely fluid and alive, unlike any other 
list. My own ideas around the notion of people being rude on the list to 
Douglad, is that what has been happening is a very natural state of affairs, 
and I really do not feel that anyone should take these incidents too seriously. 
From my own experience some of the best, most interesting and vital things 
happen out of controversy. I am enjoying the submissions so far, and realise 
that there is still plenty of time until the show at HTTP.

I should say now, I do not intend to get involved in making any work for the 
DIWO and Dark Mountain, but will be part of the dialogue every now and then. It 
gives me the space to be a part of it without having to contribute any actual 
art - which is one of its strengths.

Those of you who are making work - you should know that there are lurkers on 
the list who I know, who are journalists - peers, who are completely enthralled 
by what's going on. Even if you are not currently aware, this project is going 
to be far reaching outside of this list and the HTTP Gallery. And I do not mean 
just the Internet. What mean is, that there are journalists who belong to the 
BBC media and other mainstream newspapers who are looking out for alternative 
ways into dealing with such issues and activities, openings which are not 
caught up in the usual, commercial trappings, institutionally directed or 
controlled. This is because many of the main bodies in media and education are 
at a loss in how to engage with the subjects an ideas being considered. These 
frameworks which have so far sustainied themselves, in holding themselves up as 
leaders of culture, business and creative industries are not successfully 
dealing with the issues of the day because they are too re!
 liant on the very systems which have put us here in the first place. They need 
people like yourself and myself, to show them different forms of expression so 
to guide them out of their own limited, quagmires. They do not want answers, 
they just need to relearn how to be real again. Shake things up a bit.

Enough of my noise, all I have left to say is, that I wish you all good luck on 
this. I will certainly do my best to promote it to everyone I know because this 
kind of work like deserves more representation. Go for it!

all the best,


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