3 thoughtful pieces: Interview, last, :::::: deb:is missed

interview virtual sonic debris


sibilants vs resonants


it's not the last time i saw her was simply the last time she appeared to
me, but more, that she disappeared into the buzzing information-laden,
and entangled world, that no extrication was possible, that death
consisted in multitudes of disappearances like these, the last flash of
lightning or glass milk bottle, or earmuffs and shoveling in one's final
blizzard - there are any number of examples, and as death approaches, the
lasts increase in quantity, until the whole vast world is an inaudible
chorus of lasts, an event horizon beyond which there is nothing to be
heard, or remembered, or retained. our lives pare away at our lives with
the incessant mumbling of the addicted, and we live in exhaustion holding
the world at bay. always the supports give out, always the last confused
sounds, sights and smells, always the last murmured word, but always the

:::::: deb:is missed

:e:ding :he :i::u:l body: p::se, sex, :ongue
:n ::l:s of models :nd f::mewo:ks fo: :e:ding :he :i::u:l body, b:sed on
:e:ding :he :i::u:l body: p::se, sex, :ongue is p::: of :n ongoing,
mul:i-ye:: coll:bo:::i:e explo:::ion on :he phenomenology of :he :i::u:l.
of models :nd f::mewo:ks fo: :e:ding :he :i::u:l body. :his p:ojec:
:e:ding :he :i::u:l body is : limin:l p:ojec:, be:ween - :nd blu::ing -
ou: p:ojec: beg:n by wo:king wi:h mo:ion c:p:u:e equipmen: :: :he :i::u:l
explo:::ion of :he bound::ies of :he :i::u:l uni:e:se.
:he bodies :nd mo:emen:s/momen:s in :e:ding :he :i::u:l body exis: be:ween
c:lls "geniden:i:y"); wi:hin :he :i::u:l, :hey ::e digi::l, dispe:sed, :nd
:he o:e::ll ques:ions: wh:: is :he n::u:e of :he :e:l; of :he :i::u:l? how
is :he :e:l :e:d; how is :he :i::u:l?
:esul: of :ll of :his is :he c:e::ion o: :e/c:e::ion of bodies :s ::::::s
:hese ::::::s ::e ":un" by b:h files (p:oduced by :he moc:p h::dw::e),
which ::e p:ocessed :h:ough m:nnequin/:::::: sof:w::e. :he files ::e :hen
phenomenologic:lly f:om :he "in:e:io:" of :::::: :nd :e:l body
:he :::::: elemen:s :: home o: on :he :o:d - in o:he: wo:ds, bo:h wi:hin
fo: ex:mple: f:om bodies in mo:ion :o code :o ::::::s :o quick:ime :ideo,
medi: f:om b:h codes :o :::::: models. :e:de:s of :ec:o:s will be :ble :o

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