It's the one bit of social software that I use consistently. I really
like it for how it puts me in the middle of other peoples current mind
flows. I can tag carelessly and inconsistently and still retrieve things
I bookmarked 4 years ago.

-----Original Message-----
From: helen varley jamieson <>
Reply-To:, NetBehaviour for networked
distributed creativity <>
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Lets social bookmark!
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 22:18:57 +0200

i started using delicious when i was researching for my thesis, & found 
it quite a useful way to keep track of links. but since finishing, i 
hardly ever use it. every now & again i remember about it & add a 
bookmark, but even less often do i actually go there to find a link. i 
guess i think that one day i will be glad of it ...

waving from munich,
h : )

On 2/04/10 6:10 PM, marc garrett wrote:
> Hi Netbehaviourists,
> I have a new passion for 'delicious'
> And was wondering if anyone else on here, like myself uses the social
> bookmark system as well?
> If so, lets link up and share book marks :-)
> wishing all well.
> marc
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