the hungry ghosts take up space and time

they gnaw at texts devour texts
they corrupt corrode texts, texts are food, texts are lost
hungry ghosts: texts are lost food
hungry ghosts: texts are loss of food

there is never enough of texts inscriptions writings
there is never enough of anything, scrabble-dirt inscriptions

hungry ghosts ourselves, irreal, unknowing to ourselves, forbidding and
among the ghosts of them, the spokes are hungry ghosts, they gnaw at
ghosts reborn as mendicants. They are hungry ghosts. They are red dust.
there are hungry ghosts after me, they know
and reborn as mendicants. They are hungry ghosts. They are red dust.
there are hungry ghosts after me, they know
    the rule of hungry ghosts, speed-speed wounded biomes,
emptiness radiates outward between the spokes. now forget the
spokes, emptiness radiates among the ghosts of them, the spokes are hungry
ghosts, they gnaw at emptiness, they are wounded,
    the rule of hungry ghosts, speed-speed wounded biomes
hungry ghosts without features
hungry ghosts without features
hungry ghosts without features
among hungry ghosts - fucking ghosts - mudra inversions of names - space
ghosts, written by ghosts, written by homing ghosts, hungry ghosts,
ghosts reborn as mendicants. They are hungry ghosts. They are red dust.
    the rule of hungry ghosts, speed-speed wounded biomes
phenomena of hungry ghosts and emblems
phenomena of hungry ghosts and emblems
phenomena of hungry ghosts and emblems
here are hungry ghosts after me, they know
among the ghosts of them, the spokes are hungry ghosts, they gnaw at
hungry ghosts, murmurs almost gathered into words, the inchoate lost in
Yamantaka carrying prayer-wheels carrying Yamantaka, hungry ghosts reside
Yamantaka carrying prayer-wheels carrying Yamantaka, hungry ghosts reside
Yamantaka carrying prayerwheels carrying Yamantaka, hungry ghosts reside,
calling forth hungry ghosts, making things and
calling forth hungry ghosts making things and
among the ghosts of them, the spokes are hungry ghosts, they gnaw at
phenomena of hungry ghosts and emblems
phenomena of hungry ghosts and emblems
phenomena of hungry ghosts and emblems
there are hungry ghosts after me, they know

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