Take the following text, how do you rate it using the "Wryting
Wraiting" writing rating system?


rich regular flow sin tacked plastiphorm dung treacle algae.
conspire in treacle trough s-expressed tacky barked munge squads.
eleven spires surround the countryside on view here, it seems,
rich irregular pillow troughed treacle syrup bark acorn algebra.
dick weeds surround the vegetable patch call the bomb squad!
do you call the bumble bee squid stirrup flexible?
shire horse questions who i am?
hose pipe bannished summer already call the bum squid
the bum squid squats neatly in position,
behind the terrorist squad, surrounding the shires,
surrounding the vitamin patch,
threshold prism slow syntax evasion balances in quadrangle,
insightful terrorist algebra remains, questioning,
the bum squid tree stirrup munge product trough flake


Google is your friend (GIYF):

rich regular flow sin tacked plastiphorm dung treacle algae.
[ 2 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q=plastiphorm ]

conspire in treacle trough s-expressed tacky barked munge squads.
[ 112 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q=tacky+barked+munge+squads ]

eleven spires surround the countryside on view here, it seems,
[ 105 results for : http://www.google.co.uk/#q="eleven+spires"; ]

rich irregular pillow troughed treacle syrup bark acorn algebra.
[ 206 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q="irregular+pillow"; ]

dick weeds surround the vegetable patch call the bomb squad!
[ 207000 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q="call+the+bomb+squad"; ]

do you call the bumble bee squid stirrup flexible?
[ 921 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q=bumble+bee+squid+stirrup ]

shire horse questions who i am?
[ 2 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q="shire+horse+questions"; ]

hose pipe bannished summer already call the bum squid
[ 538 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q="bum+squid"; ]

the bum squid squats neatly in position,
[ 538 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q="bum+squid"; ]

behind the terrorist squad, surrounding the shires,
[ 48200 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q="terrorist+squad"; ]

surrounding the vitamin patch,
[ 23000 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q="vitamin+patch"; ]

threshold prism slow syntax evasion balances in quadrangle,
[ 75 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q="syntax+evasion"; ]

insightful terrorist algebra remains, questioning,
[ 9 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q="insightful+terrorist"; ]

the bum squid tree stirrup munge product trough flake
[ 2 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&q="trough+flake"; ]

[ 81,400,000 results for: http://www.google.co.uk/#q="%241"; ]

add them all together:

2 + 112 + 105 + 206 + 207000 + 921 + 2 + 538 + 538 + 48200 + 23000 +
75 + 9 + 2 + 814000000 = 814280710

and divide by number of lines: 814280710 / 15 = 54285380.6666666667

I don't care for that rating much, so let's remove that last line
which is tipping the balance somewhat.

2 + 112 + 105 + 206 + 207000 + 921 + 2 + 538 + 538 + 48200 + 23000 +
75 + 9 + 2 = 280710

but the Wryting Wraiting rules stipulate we must still divide by the
total number of lines:

280710 / 15 = 18714
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