Hi Curt,

Thanks for the link - it looks like a good reading list. I will pinch a 
couple of them for myself :-)

> Hi Marc (and all),
> I guess I came late to the discussion and missed the reading list, 
> but I just found it in the archives.
> It seems like this class is related:
> http://lab404.com/179/
> I teach at a public liberal arts university ( http://unca.edu ) , and 
> we all take turns (from every department) teaching a freshman 
> introductory colloquim course. Teachers can choose their own topic, 
> as long as it involves reading, writing, and thinking. It was fun 
> teaching this course to non-new media art majors.
> Best,
> Curt
>> Congrats Marc
>> I'm a it late coming to the conversation
>> I got as far as the reading list
>> and just wanted to say
>> what great books these are
>>>  The Revolution of Everyday Life. Raoul Vaneigem. PM Press; Second
>>>  edition edition (November 1, 2010). ISBN-10: 1604862130
>>>  Electronic Disturbance, The (New Autonomy Series). Critical Art
>>>  Ensemble. Autonomedia (May 1, 1994). ISBN-10: 1570270066
>> I particularly love the Chapter 20 of the The Revolution of Everyday
>> Life "Creativity, Spontaneity, and Poetry"
>> http://library.nothingness.org/articles/SI/en/display/66
>> Really one of my all time favourite texts
>> I wrote my college thesis on new media art and activism in 2004
>> It wasnt a great piece of writing or anything but I enjoyed the research
>> I wrote about Floodnet the distributed denial of service attacks by
>> the Electronic Disturbance Theatre in support of the Zapatistas.
>> http://www.thing.net/~rdom/ecd/EDTECD.html
>> Some great essays in that little book too
>> Best of luck
>> Kevin
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