Furtherfield on Resonance FM, Nov 3rd 2010.

Join us on Resonance 104.4FM
Wednesday, Nov 3rd 2010.
Time (new time) - 7-8pm.
Hosts: Marc Garrett, Irini Papdimitriou & Jonathon Munro
Special Guests: IOCOSE & Owen Bowden

For more info & downloads of past broadcasts:
Live Resonance FM broadcast:
http://resonancefm.com (scroll down page)

This critically acclaimed broadcast returns to Resonance FM every 
Wednesday evening at 7pm with a series of live interviews with people 
working at the edge of contemporary practices in art, technology & 
social change; discussing events and controversies, exhibitions, 
artworks and their social contexts.

Until Mid-December, regular host Marc Garrett is joined by Irini 
Papadimitriou & Jonathon Munro.

Marc will be interviewing:
IOCOSE will discuss their recent project 'IN THE LONG RUN', a 
reconstruction of a possible future high profile media event. The death 
of pop star Madonna is described in a BBC News special edition, with a 
journalist and studio guest who go over the details of the fatal car 
accident, the statements of the VIPs and the reactions of fans around 
the world. Project to be hosted at HTTP Gallery London 
(http://www.http.uk.net/exhibitions/IOCOSE/) with other works 5-14 
November 2010.

Irini & Jonathan will be interviewing:
Owen Bowden, an installation artist working predominately with sound. 
Recent work has focussed on sound as a concept of disembodiment and the 
nature of radio. Owen is an emerging artist who studied Sonic Art at 
Middlesex University and has shown work across London including the 
Victoria & Albert and Science Museums. www.owenbowden.com

In addition to Furtherfield's invited guests this series will feature 
interviews with many of the 30 artists showing in the exibition of DIY, 
hacking and open source projects, Unleashed Devices as part of 
NODE.London. Irini has worked with Jonathon Munro of TINTART to curate 
the exhibition at Watermans.

Also showcasing music and noise, providing a rolling lineup of 
experimental creative adventures for your amusement.

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