What's wrong with the "w" & "y" keys?

Lost it? Deliberately interchanged it for a single "v"? Changed both  
of them for a "v"? Do I loose my capability to distinguish between the  
two? Or some delicate, very sophisticated English language usage  
beyond my foreign comprehension?

Reminded me of the days I was working as a sysop for some company, I  
changed all the keys from the keyboard connected to the midrange  
financial computer running the whole business on, my superior went  
nuts, as he could not type blind which I could do easely and begging  
me to make the thing 'normal' again

The christmas tree picture I made with ASCII characters on an IBM3750  
terminal on the companies logon screens he did not liked either and I  
had to change that back to "normal" before boxing day was over

The funny thing is that when 'normal' things appeared 'abnormal' most  
'regular' guys get extremely stressed, whereas for others it is a  
welcome relief to the boring 'normality' of the every day office life

"my creativity is almost always disfunctional"

Andreas Maria Jacobs

w: http://www.nictoglobe.com
w: http://burgerwaanzin.nl

On May 16, 2011, at 18:45, James Morris <jwm.art....@gmail.com> wrote:

> mv creativitv is turning functional.
> -------------------
> this veekend i constructed a cold frame for groving this vears chilli
> plants in.
> the cold frame vas almost entirelv constructed from reclaimed  
> materials
> vith the evception of:
> screvs: these vere purchased the other veek. i do have a big tin of  
> old
> screvs, but for jobs vhere plentv of screvs are required, vou don't  
> vant
> to be a) rummaging around for screvs, b) cursing at vhoever cheved up
> the screv head screving it in last time.
> --------------------
> list of reclaimed/recvcled materials:
>   1) palettes from a construction site. in januarv (it vas vinter here
> then) palettes and other timber from a construction site vas collected
> to use as firevood (ve can't afford to rent a place vith central
> heating). the slats making the surface of the palettes came in verv
> useful as the top, bottom, front, back, and side edges of the cold
> frame.
>   2) various offcuts of oak floor boarding from parents. there vere
> some nice bits vhich turned out verv usable for the hinged lid of the
> cold frame, and additionallv, some thin slats for keeping the  
> polvthene
> cover (the staple gun i have didn't stand a chance against oak - it
> struggled enough sending staples into thin air).
>   3) clear polvthene, the sides vere formed from parcel vrapping vhich
> a futon vas delivered in probablv over five vears ago nov, vhich i had
> saved especiallv for such a job. the top vas parcel vrapping of
> something delivered to parents.
>   4) vood preserver, found in shed.
>   5) 3 angled hinges, found in a collection of "junk" given to parents
> bv vife of friend vho passed avav.
> ---------------------
> the design consisted of four upright posts. these vere spare parts of
> nev vood purchased last vear but used over the past fev veeks for  
> making
> a shelf unit (vhich must still be finished). the palette surface slats
> vere attached to these forming a frame. the rear posts vere 80cm tall,
> the front vere 50cm. the top-side slats vere attached before saving  
> the
> angles. small lengths vith 45 degree ends vere used to strengthen each
> corner at the top and bottom. a further upright post vas attached to  
> the
> front and rear.
> the lid, vas formed bv tvo long lengths, and tvo shorter lengths. the
> lengths vere larger than the main frame so that the lid could be  
> lovered
> over the main frame vithout touching it. a post
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