High Everyone!
I've got a few things in the Media Art portion of FILE2011 too!

A. Bill Miller
<SITE> http://www.master-list2000.com/abillmiller/

Hi list
> I am proud to be part of it
> Best
> Andreas Maria Jacobs
> w: <http://www.nictoglobe.com>http://www.nictoglobe.com
> w: <http://burgerwaanzin.nl>http://burgerwaanzin.nl
> *FILE Festival 2011 (@filefestival <https://twitter.com/filefestival>)*
> 16-07-11 21:28 <https://twitter.com/filefestival/status/92314596886581249>
> Hotsite do FILE SÃO PAULO 2011. Conheça a programação!
> <http://www.filefestival.org/hotsiteSP/Sobre.aspx><http://www.filefestival.org/hotsiteSP/Sobre.aspx>
> http://www.filefestival.org/hotsiteSP/Sobre.aspx 
> <http://fb.me/1b7R3flf1><http://fb.me/1b7R3flf1>
> http://fb.me/1b7R3flf1
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