Today i connected to Google+ and this attached image appeared.

Here is the english translation of the text:

It looks as if the name you used does not conform to our Rules on names.

According to these rules, you need to use for your profile the same name you
use in your real life. Possible nicknames, last names from when you were not
married and so on are to be inserted in the Other Names section of your
profile. For now only profiles associated to single individuals are
permitted: profiles of companies and other entities will be introduced by
the end of the year.

You profile will be suspended until you change your name to adapt it to the
 Rules on Names: you will not be able to use all the functions of Google's
services which require an active profile, such as Google+, Buzz, Reader and
Picasa. You will be able to use other Google services, like GMail.

We know that Google+ and its Rules on Names can create difficulties for some
users. We hope that you will want to keep being one of us; if you feel like
leaving, make sure to copy your information first, and then click here to
leave Google+.

And, below, a big blue button with "Change your Name" written across it.

There are a few things which I find truly horrifying in this message,
starting from the first sentence

"It looks as if the name you used does not conform to our Rules on names."

the idea of rules decided by someone on "what i can call myself", is truly
horrible, and brings forth terrifying scenarios.

And then:

According to these rules, you need to use for your profile the same name you
use in your real life.

What? this is not "real life"? And what is "real life"? An office? A line at
the post office? A policeman asking for your documents? And what if I live,
work and study using this "Other Name"?

And, by the way, how do you know what my "real name" is? Are you following
me? Did you install cameras in my house? Did you talk to my friends about
it? And what if I used a fantastic "John Smith" instead of "xDxD.vs.xDxD",
would it be better, because it is a "regular" name? with a first and last
name? like a proper, working, professional human being?

You profile will be suspended until you change your name to adapt it to the
 Rules on Names

well: byebye Google+

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