We have wonderful, local community activists in Haringey.

: ) R

>  Saturday, 1pm
>  Give Our Kids a Future! A North London Unity Demonstration
>  1pm from Gillett Square, Dalston to Tottenham Green
>  This march is called by The North London Assembly, a temporary
>  Assembly which saw 70 local community activists meet at the North
>  London Community House on Tuesday 9th August to discuss our reaction
>  to the riots of early August in Tottenham and Hackney. It includes
>  people from many Turkish and Kurdish community groups, like Day Mer
>  and Gik Der, and also the Haringay and Hackney Alliances for Public
>  Services who are all supporting this march. We state that this is not
>  us seeking to represent the community but it is our attempt to try to
>  bring unity to the community in which we live. It is neither
>  supporting nor condeming the events but seeking the most positive
>  outcome from them. This will be a positive and peaceful march with an
>  Assembly at the end for people to express what they are thinking about
>  recent events.
>  http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=260822497262285

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