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Decoupling digital culture from reckless consumerism

The last 30 years has seen an increase in our understanding of the shift 
in society towards the digital age of networked production. The 
emergence of contemporary subjectivites, such as the ‘digital 
worker/cognitariat’ as well as generational demarcations such as the 
‘digital native’, have received the attention of academics and those 
with a vested interest in understanding the potentiality of the present. 
These debates have often been framed inside the radical potential of 
unending and open knowledge production and its subsequent appropriation 
into capital.

But what are the material limits of the internet and any projected 
digital future? Can the internet really be decoupled from consumerism? 
What environmental factors exist that radically limit the expansion of 
the internet in real or utopian terms? How do we build a digital culture 
in the present, outside of the demands of growth and the waste of 
progress? What role could renewable energies play in the internet’s 
present or future? What possiblities exist for a ‘free’ internet inside 
the environmental constraints of the present?

This is a call for papers/provocations/contributions that seek to 
address these questions, a means to further explore the possiblity of 
both the present and future sustainability of digital culture.

Contribution formats-

Mini- 10 words(max)

Provocations- 500 words (max)

Essays- 2000-5000+ words

Contributions will be published across multiple media- as a finalised 
traditional book and ebook formats, and will be feely avaliable open 
sourse (post-publication), as well as across other retail possiblities, 
such as badges, posters, t-shirts etc.

Deadline: 1st July 2012

Contributions sent to

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