Detail below from Nathaniel

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nathaniel Stern <>
Date: Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:01 AM
Subject: please Tweet folks to Tweet in Space!
To: ITP Alumni <>

Howdy y'all!

Big performance at ISEA this Friday night, very excited about it! I hope
you'll all participate and - if you feel so inclined - tell your followers.

Here's the Tweet, feel free to change; please post on Thurs or Fri or both:
Friday Sept 21, 8:30-9 PM CST, add #tweetsinspace to your tweets + they
will beamed towards GJ667Cc: an exoplanet that might support life!

Great press so far, more coming soon, but now we just really want loads of
folks to participate. Let us know if you have any questions - been lots of
cool science behind the transmission itself, the Rosetta Stone we are
trying to include, and more. But mostly, we need you to tweet, before _and_
during! We'll make meaning, together.



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*To do is to be. -Descartes *
*To be is to do. - Voltaire *
*Do be do be do. - Frank Sinatra*
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