Call for Proposals - X-Border Art Biennial

The X-Border Art Biennial is the only art biennial to be arranged 
simultaneously in three different countries, using exhibition spaces in 
in Luleå, Sweden; Rovaniemi, Finland and Severomorsk, Russia. We invite 
artists from around the world to explore and review the issues of 
borders, identity, cultural diversity and knowledge in an era of 

X-Border Art Biennial 2013 invites proposals for works that address and 
examine what a border might mean to human beings – in all its aspects – 
social, political, existential, philosophical, technological, scientific 
– in the 21st century.

We are looking for artworks that create a ‘bridge’ from Luleå, via 
Rovaniemi, to Severomosk.

 We are also looking for works that reflect 
on the influence of the internet on our worldview, space and time 
experience, social interaction and understanding of borders.

We ask, is the internet a utopia where every empty or silent domain 
represents a free, unclaimed space?
What would you do with this space?

Who would this space reach, connect or isolate? Selected artworks will 
be presented in online exhibition as part of X-Border biennale.

The X-Border Art Biennial is a cooperation between the University of 
Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland; “the centre of socio-cultural technologies 
of Municipal formation of the closed administrative territorial 
formation of the town of Severomorsk”, Russia and Luleå Art Biennial / 
Kilen Art Group, Luleå, Sweden.

More information:
Deadline: Mon Jan 14th, 2013
X-Border Art Biennial
Kronan H5
Lulea, Rovaniemi, Severomorsk, Luleå 974 42

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