Hi Chiara,

It was Polly who was asking...

see further down the email ;-)

> Hi Marc,
> yes, I've used phonegap under XCode. why are asking? ;)
> cheers, Chiara
> On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 5:05 PM, marc garrett
> <marc.garr...@furtherfield.org> wrote:
>> Hi Pollie,
>> Perhaps contact Tomiko Theil, Art is Open Source or Chiara Passa - i know
>> the last two are on the netbehaviour list :-)
>> wishing you well.
>> marc
>> Hi,
>> I am looking at phonegap to prototype an app for my research. In reading up
>> on it I see on issue for andriod tablets is the scaling of interface on the
>> tablet. From what I read it seems people have a problem getting it to go
>> full screen on the tablet. Most of what I have seen is a year old but I
>> can't find recent references to whether still and issue or not. I was
>> wondering it anyone had run into this with their development. I am looking
>> to have the app run on both phone and tablet platform. The full screen is
>> important because the tablet is for older people to use.
>> If you have used phone gap, have you found it easier to got ipad/iphone
>> route?
>> I have budget of 1000 for research supplie. I was looking android since I
>> could 4 android tablets vs 2 ipads. For a slightly larger pilot study, and
>> hopefully get more funding when can demo benefit. I would like to get alpha
>> up for testing quickly so if looking for advice if anyone has found if ipad
>> or android easier to play with. Specially to to screen sizing across
>> phone/tablet platforms.
>> I would be developing in html,css,javascript, etc...and using phone gap to
>> bundle it.
>> Or if you have recommendations for another phonegap like system?
>> Context if it helps.
>> I am working with Organization called GoodGym. http://www.goodgym.org/ The
>> core component. Is runners once a week run to visit an older person. The
>> idea is the runner is motivated to run once a week and older person gets a
>> visit.
>> None of our older people use computers or smartphones. I am looking a
>> introducing a tablet, as the GoodGym tool that is similar to digital picture
>> frame. The goal to help remind that runner is coming to visit and show
>> progress to arrival.  Just a simple interface of the runner's picture, date
>> of next visit, and when the runner starts running. They can hit start on
>> their phone and then the tablet for the older person counts down the minutes
>> to their arrive.  runner hits end when they arrive.
>> Any advice or guidance on any part is welcome and will be helpful and
>> greatly appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>> Pollie
>> --
>> ************************
>> To do is to be. -Descartes
>> To be is to do. - Voltaire
>> Do be do be do. - Frank Sinatra
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A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

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Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
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