Dear all

After 2 months of experiments and discussions at the Watermans gallery, we are 
celebrating the final exhibition of the ISOCULTURE project lab as well as the 
Shape The Future Recycled Art Competition display on Wednesday 22nd May 
(6.30-8.30pm). I hope you can join us for drinks and a chat with the artists.

ISOCULTURE is looking at a city of the future isolated from the wider 
environment where humans become self-efficient. Outside of the Isoculture city, 
the environment becomes a ‘no-mans’ land.
During the project, we transformed Watermans gallery into the Isoculture 
laboratory where artists Michiko Nitta and Michael Burton worked with the lab 
participants to conduct experiments and plan the future of the culture. You can 
see their final work in the gallery until Sunday 26 May.
Please visit and 
for further info.

SHAPE THE FUTUREShape the Future presents selected work from a Recycled Art 
Competition that aims to develop an art platform of artists who use recycled 
material to express their visions and ideas.Shape the Future was created by You 
Are Home Itinerant Ecovillage, ( an organisation 
working on green economy, sustainability, ecology and self-resiliency.
Shape the Future is displayed at Watermans until Wednesday 5 June as part of 
the Isoculture 

Artists: Katrin Spranger, bLuELab (AKA Alex Barchiesi, Juditta Marinaro), 
Stavros Kotsireas, Jane Webb, Michael Szpakowski, Paul Masotic, paula roush, 
Maria Korporal and Marcia Theophilo, Nikki Whitlock, Della Rees, Beccy Mccray, 
Yannick Perichon, Ruth Martindale and Massimo Saverio Maida

We would like to thank all artists, participants, experts, suppliers and 
everyone else who helped us make Isoculture and Shape The Future possible!
Best wishes
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