Hi all -

I will unfortunately not be able to be there myself, but I am delighted 
to announce two special events as part of "Turning FACT Inside Out" - 
FACT's 10th anniversary exhibition.

take care, Tamiko


Special events for:
"Turning FACT Inside Out" Exhibition @ FACT June 14 - September 15, 2013
  As part of the Manifest.AR show "Invisible ARtaffects"

Biomer Skelters events @ World Museum:
Aug. 31 and Sept. 7 participatory public art events

(See http://www.fact.co.uk/TFIOtours/ for reserving a spot and for more 
information - scroll UP if necessary)

31 August, 1:30pm:
Biomer Skelters Botany+Biosensing Tours at World Museum

1:30pm - Herbarium tour with curator Donna Young - source of Biomer 
Skelter exotics!

2-2:30pm - Biosensor talk at the World Museum by Stephen Fairclough, 
Liverpool John Moores University

2:30pm on - Participatory Biomer Skelters planting tours departing and 
returning to the World Museum

This is an informal informative event, in which participants can learn 
more about the World Museum Liverpool's Botanical Collection during the 
Herbarium tour, and the body in Professor Fairclough's biosensing talk. 
Participants then can don the Biomer Skelters system and walk the 
streets of Liverpool to propagate Biomer Skelters vegetation.

7 September, 1:30pm:
Competitive Biomer Skelters Game at World Museum

Which team can propagate more virtual vegetation - Indigenators planting 
Merseyside natives, or Exoticators planting exotics as harbringers of 
global climate change? "Relax to win" and test your biofeedback ability 
in this race to spread helter-skelter virtual vegetation in Liverpool!

"Biomer Skelters" participatory public artwork
by Tamiko Thiel and Will Pappenheimer, 2013

Biomer Skelters is a crowd sourced, wild growth forest-to-rainforest 
propagator that connects interior biorhythms to exterior ecosystems. It 
draws its inspiration from the botanical history of Liverpool, vibrant 
local garden and forest conservation efforts and questions about looming 
global climate change.

FACT visitors, outfitted with the Biomer Skelters mobile heart rate 
monitor system, sync their pulse to the Liverpool streets to generate 
augmented reality (AR) vegetation in their wake. What will they choose: 
to spread native Merseyside reforestation, or to be invasive propagators 
of exotic species representing accelerated global warming biome change? 
As participants in a collective public artwork, they determine the 
canvas of the city and alter the (virtual) composition of the cityscape.

Biomer Skelters video: https://vimeo.com/69094382

Biomer Skelters web:

Biomer Skelters is a FACT Liverpool commission in collaboration with 
Liverpool John Moores University and the World Museum Liverpool.

Tamiko Thiel
Email:   tam...@alum.mit.edu
Website: http://mission-base.com/tamiko/

Corcoran Gallery of Art / College of Art and Design

"Biomer Skelters" (with Will Pappenheimer, 2013)
Tying internal body rhythms to wild growth reforestation.
A FACT Liverpool commission for their 10th anniversary

MacDowell Colony Fellow, March 2013

Augmented Reality Artistic Director
"Mi Querido Barrio," Spanish Harlem, New York
Rockefeller Foundation Cultural Innovation Award winner
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