On 29/10/13 10:17 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:
> re: stick, there's always Jason Rohrer -

Oh I think I remember his "Monolith" project about digital copyright. I
didn't know about this:


It's a very interesting project for several reasons!

"Chain World is a video game designed by Jason Rohrer, and built on the
game Minecraft. Chain World won the 2011 Game Design Challenge. The goal
of the challenge was to create a game which could become a religion. The
official name of the challenge was GDC: The Game Design Challenge:
Bigger Than Jesus.[1]

Only one known copy of the game exists on a customized USB flash drive.
The game was designed to be played by only one player at a time who
would alter the game world. Future players were to be chosen by the
current USB drive holder. After his GDC presentation, Rohrer passed the
game on, apparently at random, to audience member Jia Ji. Jia Ji created
controversy by selling the game on eBay for charity, and imposing his
own set of rules about who could play Chain World after the auction

The current location of the flash drive is unknown.

The game was originally created using Minecraft version 1.8(?) Beta,
using 'Chain World' (no quotes) as the seed. The USB stick itself was
given a custom treatment by Rohrer to create the appearance of an
ancient artifact."

[Wikipedia text CC-BY-SA]

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