Hello Ruth and NetBehaviour :)

I'm replying a bit late...

ruth catlow said :
> Please invite someone-or-two attendees to report back here, in some
> form or other!
> ... perhaps some videos of presentations, drawings from discussions,
> or general impressions etc etc.
> Many aspects of the discussion will be of interest to many people
> here.

Yes. Eleanor Greenhalgh and Dave Young have written a bit about it, some
works have been made and right now they are busy setting up their part
of the exhibition for tomorrow night.

It will take a bit of time to digest everything but we hope to come back
with something to share at some point :)

Also, there will be a video documentation of the whole thing tomorrow
and a recording of the roundtable discussion about the outcome of this
particular workshop (as well as all the other roundtables and the
plenary debate).

I'll definitively keep you posted as soon as we get something to share!

See you!

> On 06/11/2013 16:06, Aymeric Mansoux wrote:
> > Sorry for ><, please >>
> >
> > ///
> >
> > What is Free Culture? Three days workshop.
> > 13th, 14th and 15th of November 2013, WORM, Rotterdam
> > Limited Capacity, booking: i...@worm.org
> > http://www.worm.org/home/view/event/7791
> >
> > ///
> >
> > OK, so... What is free culture exactly?
> >
> > On paper, it seems a rather straightforward and simple thing: free
> > culture is a social movement that promotes making works that can be
> > freely copied, modified and distributed. Wikipedia, Linux, freely
> > downloadable music by net labels are good examples. Everything should be
> > accessible, used and reused anywhere for any purpose, without getting in
> > trouble with lawyers, signing over stuff to Google or Facebook, etc.
> > Simple.
> >
> > But is it so simple? In this workshop, we will critically investigate
> > free culture and the relationships between people creating free culture
> > projects. In specific case studies, we'll have a closer look at
> > different communities around Flickr, Debian, YouTube, ... as well as
> > communal religious movements.
> >
> > We'll look for answers to the questions:
> >
> >   * Is there really such a thing as a free culture movement?
> >   * If yes, is it defined by specific ways of work interactions?
> >     And how can we characterize them?
> >   * Where do these models fall short?
> >
> > ///
> >
> > What is Free Culture? is a workshop facilitated by Eleanor Greenhalgh
> > and Dave Young, with an introduction from Eric Kluitenberg and Aymeric
> > Mansoux, and an experimentation on live visual documentation design by
> > Loes Claessens and Bor Smulders.
> >
> > The workshop has been made possible through a partnership between WORM,
> > the Piet Zwart Institute, the Willem de Kooning Academie and Creating
> > 010, Hogeschool Rotterdam.
> >
> > It is the very official and exclusive WORM-up workshop of FREE?!, a one
> > day event into the cultures of sharing, that will happen at Het Nieuwe
> > Instituut, the 29th of November 2013, Rotterdam, where the outcome of
> > the workshop will be presented, amongst many other things
> >   
> > More information:
> > http://freeculture.info
> >
> > BOOKING: i...@worm.org
> >
> > ///
> >
> >
> > :*
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