FARM 2014

2nd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music,
Modelling and Design

Gothenburg, Sweden; 6 September, 2014

The functional programming community is largely interested in writing
beautiful programs. The ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art,
Music, Modelling and Design (FARM) is intended to gather researchers and
practitioners interested in writing beautiful programs which generate
beautiful artifacts or experiences, or perhaps even challenge notions of
beauty. FARM encourages submissions from across art, craft and design,
including textiles, visual art, music, 3D sculpture, animation, GUIs, video
games, physical models, architectural models, choreographies for dance,
poetry, and even VLSI layouts, GPU configurations, or mechanical engineering
designs. The language used need not be purely functional ("mostly functional"
is fine); may be based on abstractions such as higher-order functions, monads,
arrows, or streams; and may be manifested as a domain specific language or
tool. Theoretical foundations, language design, implementation issues, and
applications in industry or the arts are all within the scope of the workshop.

Submissions are invited in two categories:

  * Full papers

    5 to 12 pages using the ACM SIGPLAN template. FARM 2014 is an
    interdisciplinary conference, so a wide range of approaches are encouraged
    and we recognize that the appropriate length of a paper may vary
    considerably depending on the approach. However, all submissions must
    propose an original contribution to the FARM theme, cite relevant previous
    work, and apply appropriate research methods.

  * Demo abstracts

    Demo abstracts should describe the demonstration and its context,
    connecting it with the themes of FARM. A demo could be in the form of a
    short (10-20 minute) tutorial, presentation of work-in-progress, an
    exhibition of some work, or even a performance. Abstracts should be no
    longer than 2 pages, using the ACM SIGPLAN template and will be subject to
    a light-touch peer review.

If you have any questions about what type of contributions that might be
suitable, or anything else regarding submission or the workshop itself, please
contact the organisers at:


    Abstract (for Full Papers) submission deadline: 7 May
    Full Paper and Demo Abstract submission Deadline: 11 May
    Author Notification: 30 May
    Camera Ready: 18 June
    Workshop: 6 September


All papers and demo abstracts must be in portable document format (PDF), using
the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines. The text should be in a 9-point font in two
columns. The submission itself will be via EasyChair. See the FARM website for
further details:


Accepted papers will be included in the formal proceedings published by ACM
Press and will also be made available through the the ACM Digital Library; see for information on the options available to
authors. Authors are encouraged to submit auxiliary material for publication
along with their paper (source code, data, videos, images, etc.); authors
retain all rights to the auxiliary material.


Workshop Chair: Alex McLean, University of Leeds

Program Chair: Henrik Nilsson, University of Nottingham

Publicity Chair: Michael Sperber, Active Group GmbH

Program Committee:
Sam Aaron, Cambridge University
David Duke, University of Leeds
Kathleen Fisher, Tufts University
Julie Greensmith, University of Nottingham
Bas de Haas, Universiteit Utrecht
Paul Hudak, Yale University
David Janin, Université de Bordeaux
Richard Lewis, Goldsmiths, University of London
Louis Mandel, Collège de France
Alex McLean, University of Leeds
Carin Meier, Neo Innovation Inc
Rob Myers, Furtherfield
Henrik Nilsson, University of Nottingham (chair)
Dan Piponi, Google Inc
Andrew Sorensen, Queensland University of Technology
Michael Sperber, Active Group GmbH

For further details, see the FARM website:

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