Sonic Pattern and the Textility of Code

11am to 6pm, 13th May 2014
Limewharf, Vyner St, London E2 9DJ

An event that brings together diverse viewpoints on weaving, knitting,
live coding, dyadic mathematics, generative music and digital making,
in order to see how patterned sound and threads allow us to both sense
the abstract and conceptualise the tactile. We will look for a rich
view of technology as a meeting point of craft, culture and live

The invited speakers will explore aspects of making, process,
language, material and output in the relation to their own practice
and related contexts.

The discussion will be lead by Bronac Ferran, Janis Jefferies, and
David Toop, and practitioners include Alessandro Altavilla, Felicity
Ford, Berit Grienke, Ellen Harlizius-Klück, Alex McLean and Becky

There will be audio-visual interludes through the day, including a
screening of Ismini Samanidou and Scanner’s film Weave Waves,
commissioned for the Sound Matters exhibition in 2013 by Crafts
Council, and a short performance by Felicity Ford.

The event will close with a live music performance from Leafcutter
John, Matthew Yee-King and Alex McLean, exploring code, pattern and

Curated by Karen Gaskill, Crafts Council

A collaboration between the Craft Council, ICSRiM (School of Music,
University of Leeds), the Thursday Club (Goldsmiths), V&A Digital
Futures and the Live Coding Research Network.

Made possible through funding and support by the Craft Council, Sound
and Music, the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Centre for
Creative Collaboration.

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