after 6 months of monthly events, with diy electronics, pd, feedbacks systems, 
live coding, circuit bending, sound and performance, electroacoustics, 
field.recordings, software-based soundworks,eXperimental electronics open call 
for artists, benders, noisers, improvisers, engineers, freakers, hackers, 
coders, ......... 

last quarter of the year. 3 months to go.all experimental circuits welcome. 
thanks all x the support

thursday 18th december 

arma agharta
Arma (full name Armantas, b. 1982) is the sound-performance artist and curator 
from Vilnius, Lithuania, active since 1998. As a sound artist, since 2007 Arma 
has been performing and releasing music under different names (Bruzgynai, arma, 
Aram Anam). Currently his stage name is Arma Agharta. Arma's music, hidden 
behind ambient and weird soundscapes, delivers hermitic moods and a ritual 
action of Nature unknown. No computers, analogue stuff only. 

thibault autheman
The experiment of the 18th December will focus on Accidental Radio Waves and 
Stochastic Sequencing. Connecting the input with the output of two tracks from 
the mixer with each other result in a self oscillating wave with an amplitude 
and period that can varies according to the variation of state of the whole 
system in its environment. The oscillation becomes a possible source of 
modulation for an AM/FM radio and a small modular system. During the 
improvisation the radio is tuned in between stations where the signal is swayed 
into Sonics, radio riff and subjective patterns of composition.

Nicola Woodham
is a sound, performance and video artist. She creates fictions with the voice 
to explore the notion of the female voice as ‘monstrous’ and to subvert 
strategies that keep women in ‘their place’. has performed at British museums: 
Freud Museum and Whitechapel Gallery, London and De La Warr, Bexhill, UK. This 
year she has contributed to the Listening Seminars presented by the Aural and 
Visual Cultures Department at Goldsmiths College, presented a vocal performance 
as part of the exhibition Fear and Trembling 

tasos tafarel
Tasos Stamou is an electroacoustic music composer, a performer of free 
improvised music, an electronic instrument maker and a tutor, currently based 
in London. During the past few years he has been exploring and utilizing 
several different mediums of original sonic creation into various recordings 
and performances; arrangements with self-modified sound toys (circuit bending) 
and found objects, electronic music equipment (modular synthesizers & computer 
applications), acoustic instruments (prepared zither, reeds, whistles, vocals, 

raxil4 is sound and sculptural artist Andrew Page... His dark brooding 
dronescapes combine analog and digital sound sources, including field 
recordings, detuned radios, computers, turntables, CD & mp3 players, tape 
recorders, 8-bit gameboys, handmade electronic devices, broken vintage 
equipment and handmade sculptural instruments (made from mainly found materials 
such as hospital crutches, driftwood and bones reclaimed from the River 

with the collaboration of a live performance exploring the sensory perceptual 
phenomena integrating the body, sight and sound. 


forthcoming gigs january / february : 

thursday 22nd january 
dave procter
bioni samp
nazar ali khan
GPUD Hannah Thompson & Stephen Scutt 
Now Wash Your Hands

thursday 5th february 
john kannenberg
age of concern 
luke jordan 
richard crow


upstairs@ the castle
44 commercial road 
E1 1LN

Aldgate East 
Underground Station 

entrance door 
5GBP donation

 Lara Pearl +44.07505922748(Laura Plana Gracia)













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