me finger-zooming into books lately (eye roll)

On Mar 12, 2015, at 11:50 AM, dave miller <> wrote:

> Often when I do something really bad, like lock myself out of the house, my 
> immediate thought is "undo" and then I realise that doesn't apply to real 
> life.
> On 12 March 2015 at 09:45, ruth catlow <> wrote:
> p.s. 
> Helen your traveling dream is too often my waking reality: (
> On 12/03/15 09:45, ruth catlow wrote:
>> Once after a long day of working too many hours on a series of digital 
>> images, I dreamed that I could undo my actions.
>> It wasn't as fun or as satisfying as you might imagine. 
>> Maybe there is something to the art lecturer cliché about valuing and owning 
>> 'accidents' in the work after all.
>> On 12/03/15 08:27, helen varley jamieson wrote:
>>> i don't think i dream about computers at all; my dreams tend to be about 
>>> people & places, & my anxiety dreams are nearly always associated with 
>>> travel. one that i used to have for a long time was that i had to catch a 
>>> train, but i couldn't fit all of my stuff into my suitcase/backpack. i 
>>> would be frantically trying to cram everything into a space that was 
>>> physically too small for it all, as the clock ticked mercilessly on, but i 
>>> would keep trying until it was actually past the time that the train would 
>>> leave (even if i also needed time to get to the station). one of those 
>>> inevitable losing battle situations like the sorcerer's apprentice in 
>>> fantasia, but without any brooms coming to help. happily i haven't had this 
>>> dream for a while :)
>>> but it is interesting that i don't dream about computers, given that i 
>>> generally spend most of my working day in front of one & most of my 
>>> communication with the outside world is through the computer. i always shut 
>>> down completely & switch off the power when i finish for the day, so maybe 
>>> that achieves a mental switching-off as well.
>>> h : )
>>> On 11/03/15 11:29 29PM, Mab MacMoragh wrote:
>>>> edward i enjoyed reading about your computer dream and can totally relate 
>>>> to the anxiety aspect
>>>> i have a recurring anxiety dream about walking to a distant place (usually 
>>>> it's to the small college town where i used to work) and never getting 
>>>> there despite hitchhiking and running and etc
>>>> On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Edward <> wrote:
>>>> I have a recurring anxiety dream about computers - specifically,
>>>> about the clinical system I use every day when I'm working at the
>>>> doctor's surgery where I earn my living. In the dream, I'm trying
>>>> to do something simple like make an appointment for someone, but
>>>> instead of the appointments screen or any of the familiar parts of
>>>> the clinical system, I'm presented with lots of peculiar,
>>>> highly-coloured and rather surreal graphics, like landscapes out
>>>> of Super Mario brothers or some other digital game. These are
>>>> meant to be either alternative layouts for the clinical system, or
>>>> 'splash screens' you see when you first log on, before you get to
>>>> the system proper. I keep trying to get past them to a screen
>>>> which has actually got some useful functionality, but each screen
>>>> leads to another one which is yet more bizarre and distracting -
>>>> and I'm not just looking at these screens on a computer terminal,
>>>> I'm kind of getting lost inside them, trying to play my way
>>>> through them like a character in a digital game - while in the
>>>> meantime, patients are queueing up at the surgery front desk,
>>>> getting more and more impatient because I can't book them in, make
>>>> them appointments, print prescriptions for them or do anything
>>>> else to help them.
>>>> It's a classic anxiety dream, of course. When I was at school I
>>>> used to dream of getting on the wrong bus, getting off at the
>>>> wrong stop, trying to walk it but taking all the wrong turnings,
>>>> catching another bus which took me in the wrong direction, getting
>>>> further and further away from where I was supposed to be,
>>>> and more and more conscious of the fact that I was already late
>>>> and missing lessons. Nowadays my dreams use computers and digital
>>>> technology instead of bus-rides and twisty roads to flesh out my
>>>> anxiety.
>>>> Does anybody else dream about computers, anxiously or otherwise?
>>>> - Edward
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