And of course, I meant to say, I’d misspelled the word, hence sending you off 
on a wild-goose chase!

My apologies for that. And to everyone on the list who has had to partake in 

> On 12 Nov 2015, at 21:53, Mark Hancock <> wrote:
> Alan,
> Thank you so much for all this information. Just in these two paragraphs, 
> there’s enough to keep me thinking for several lifetimes. We should all go 
> more obscure!
> Your research shamed me into returning to my copy and on opening it, found 
> the definition on the first page I came to. I know how these things can 
> happen through statistical chance and mechanical structure of book binding 
> etcetera, but I also like the idea of being guided to it by… whatever. 
> Anyway, here’s my hastily copied over (with one hand holding the book open 
> while I type).
> Thank you for sending me back!
> Page 91, footnote 3:  'dhutih, meaning “median-nerve”, but lit. 
> “tri-junction”. VS. Apte’s Sanscrit-English dictionary (Poona 1890) gives 
> dhuti as the only similar word, defined as “shaking” or “moving”, which 
> applied to our text may refer to the vibratory motion of the psychic force 
> traversing the median nerve as its channel.’ - Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup
>> On 11 Nov 2015, at 23:56, Alan Sondheim <> wrote:
>> It's the Evans-Wentz translation. I wasn't able to find the word in the 
>> index, but Wikipedia has
>> Triunes that are metonymic of the ananda-chakra (Tib. gankyil; the trishula; 
>> triratna; the heavenly, earthly and hellish realms; three eyes, third eye; 
>> trimurti; trikaya; the directionality of left, middle, right and forward, 
>> stationary, backwards; past, present, future; polarities and their 
>> synthesis; upperworld or akash, middleworld or dharti and underworld or 
>> patal, etc. -
>> which is in the article on Kila, Tibetan phurba or three-sided knife - so 
>> triunes are important. There's an intro section on Tibetan cosmography in 
>> the Evans-Wentz, which mentions various cosmological layers/worlds (which 
>> are common in Buddhism), but I didn't see the term itself. Now the plot 
>> thickens; I just downloaded the E-W translation as a pdf, and the word isn't 
>> found there. It sounds cognate with dharma of course, but that really gets 
>> us nowhere. I'd go with "middle-world" - and now I have to locate the 
>> Sanskrit interjection "aho" which was a big deal in the 2nd Council schisms 
>> in Buddhism.
>> We can't get much more obscure than this! :-)
>> - Alan
>> On Wed, 11 Nov 2015, Mark Hancock wrote:
>>> Hi Alan,
>>> Thank you! Blimey, errr, it has CG Jung essay in it. Galaxy imprint of OUP 
>>> ( I think) fourth printing 1967. Cover design by Laurence Ratzkin (sic?)
>>> If that offers any guidance to the version?
>>> M
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On 9 Nov 2015, at 12:14, Alan Sondheim <> wrote:
>>>> Hi, great video - which version of the book?
>>>> Thanks, Alan
>>>>> On Mon, 9 Nov 2015, Mark Hancock wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Here's a short track that I worked on yesterday. The meaning of the word
>>>>> dharti is hard to find online, I took it from the Tibetan Book of the 
>>>>> Dead,
>>>>> but the page escapes me now! As these things do, it seemed very 
>>>>> appropriate
>>>>> at the time.
>>>>> Mark
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