Documents: Dead Zones

trawling apparatus

video, bass recorder, inverse dynamics

bass recorder, revrev, convolution

bass recorder, revrev, convolution

trawling apparatus

This is the distance of your new Clar

here we go, there we are // my old clar has returned with so
much friend friend i am happy very am! // yes, i write my new
clar limb by limb by limb by limb by face by caraface clarface
my old clar do beg for me yes, true as sort of this is so true
// yes and among my new clar s/he are legion and clar clear
clara clarify // breathing of my new clar breath breathing our
neighborhood ponding so very lovely this "time of year" among
them and our among them // minding in and out all open among
them taking them among them taking them in among them all of
them we are clar clara clarify we are clar // our closed
shameful eyes // our eyes that among them see nowhere among
higher frequencies radios, radio radio, rail or derail, raillery
or deraillery // more and more among our salvage thus

This is the closeness of your other

making cut so deep into tissue and organ and flesh my marvel
arms travel writing wrything wrything your among us of my arms
my legs my tongues of my many moment of many tongues or movement
of many tongues of arms, or of movements of clar clarify tongues
and arms among arms among them us, our // more when our salvage
thus //


KDATE program (lines folded for format)

echo "This is the distance of your new Clar " > bb
echo " " >> bb
date >> bb
echo "This is the closeness of your other " > aa
echo " " >> aa
date >> aa
dialog --msgbox "please help me in your new Clar" 0 0
dialog --yesno "addicted to the vacancy of your Clar" 0 0
if [ $0 == 1 ]; then
dialog --inputbox "enter the name of your other" 0 0 2>>aa
date >> aa

dialog --inputbox "enter your name in the truth of God" 0 0

date >> bb
dialog --msgbox "your choices within you difference or not
otherwise as if it were always otherwise to help yourself within
your new Clar " 0 0
dialog --yesno "you are your very new Clar" 0 0
if [ $0 == 1 ]; then
dialog --inputbox "your new Clar fucks you?" 0 0 2>>aa
date >> aa
dialog --inputbox "your old Clar abandons you?" 0 0 2>>bb
date >> bb
dialog --inputbox "do write your very new Clar now" 0 0 2>> bb
dialog --yesno "are you wearing your new Clar" 0 0
if [ $0 == 1 ]; then
dialog --inputbox "the parts of your new Clar?" 0 0 2>>aa
date >> aa
dialog --inputbox "parts of your old Clar begging for you?" 0 0
date >> bb
dialog --inputbox "your new Clar writing yourself here please" 0
0 2>> bb
date >> bb
dialog --msgbox "breaking with yourself now and holding breath"
0 0
dialog --inputbox "returning for your breathing please" 0 0 2>>
date >> bb
dialog --inputbox "returning for your minding breathing please"
0 0 2>> bb
date >> bb
dialog --msgbox "you will be moving somewhere else another space
to write in later what will be the combining an arrangement of
stones thick swollen marbles and limestones granites on the
ground there is perhaps the desert your arms working the stones
working them other spaces of alterity you thought there was only
one a marvel or a travel "  0 0
dialog --inputbox "a marvel or a travel your arms writing" 0 0
2>> aa
dialog --yesno "heere bee wonders" 0 0
if [ $0 == 1 ]; then
dialog --inputbox "list the wonders for our open-wide eyes" 0 0
date >> aa
dialog --inputbox "list the debris for our closed shameful eyes"
0 0 2>>bb
date >> bb
dialog --inputbox "deflecting or a derail or a return" 0 0 2>>
date >> bb
dialog --inputbox "or a moment or a movement of your arms" 0 0
2>> aa
date >> aa
dialog --msgbox "coming to the other" 0 0
dialog --textbox aa 0 0
dialog --msgbox "returning from the other" 0 0
dialog --textbox bb 0 0
dialog --inputbox "adding to the other" 0 0 2>> aa
date >> aa
echo " " >> aa
dialog --inputbox "adding from the other" 0 0 2>> bb
date >> bb
dialog --msgbox "end" 0 0
unalias rm
echo " " >> aa
cat aa bb >> zz; rm aa bb; alias rm='rm -i'
date >> zz

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