Hi Maria,

Much thanks for daring -- as I said earlier today elsewhere, if we could
have a similar approach towards technology, that Permaculturalists have
with Nature, then we may have a decent future...

So, I look forward to reading the article you share with open eyes :-)

Wishing you well.


On 5 April 2016 at 17:03, Maria Farràs <mfar...@cccb.org> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> I dare to send you an article i think might be of your interest: *New
> Technologies to Face Up To Climate Change
> <http://blogs.cccb.org/lab/en/article_les-noves-tecnologies-davant-el-canvi-climatic/>*
> by Ferran Adell.
> *It seems naive to think that technology, on its own, can change the
> ethical foundations of the market and industry and steer them towards a
> more environmentally friendly system of commercial values. Nonetheless, we
> can still argue that with good management and legal and political
> regulation, the internet and digital culture may significantly reduce the
> depletion of the natural ecosystem. But are we prepared to go beyond
> rhetoric and good intentions, and take action in our daily lives?*
> This is the URL:
> http://blogs.cccb.org/lab/en/article_les-noves-tecnologies-davant-el-canvi-climatic/
> We hope you like it, we will keep on doing research on this subject
> matter. So any information is welcome.
> Very best regards from Barcelona as usual.
> *Maria Farràs / *
> CCCB Lab
> 933 064 100
> @cccblab <http://twitter.com/cccblab> / Blog del CCCB LAB
> <http://blogs.cccb.org/lab/>
> Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona
> T 933 064 100 / http://www.cccb.org
> *[image: Descripción: icon_twitter]* <https://twitter.com/cececebe>  *[image:
> icon_facebook]* <https://www.facebook.com/CCCB.Barcelona>  *[image:
> icon_instagram]* <https://instagram.com/el_cccb>
> *[image: http://newsletter.cccb.org/firma_correo/publicitat1.jpg]*
> <http://newsletter.cccb.org/publicitat1>
> [image: http://newsletter.cccb.org/firma_correo/publicitat2.jpg]
> <http://newsletter.cccb.org/publicitat2>
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