
they sing inconceivable
they are murmuration
they are here, among ghichak
solo ghichak

AND every other, and i am more and more convinced we are ghosts
here, death kills ghosts & death has no excuses & death has no
morals & death among hungry ghosts - fucking ghosts - mudra
inversions of names - space they're turned around - the future
anterior of ghosts - it's the reason, i think, for ghosts -
they're carried as the organs or depressed, what am i thinking?
where are the ghosts of the real? in fever pressed, what am i
thinking? where are the ghosts of the real? in fever i on the
body - what sorts of ghosts or virtualities inhabit these
territories presence of ghosts */may or may not be possible
depending on cost and ghost your splitting aa against my filt of
filthy germs streaming ghosts the hungry ghosts take up space
and time crawling the cemetery walls, ghosts hiding in the
daimyo stupa fields, index itself is false, an illusion; the
ghosts in the machine see what we want to see? is there an
afterlife? are ghosts real? :should omens and comets, rare
atmospheric phenomena, bead less, ghosts would be so careful
because there would always be ghosts around. ghosts yamantaka
carrying prayerwheels carrying yamantaka, hungry ghosts reside,
what the world was like when ghosts roamend, those were where
ghosts once later burrowed; now, these morrows emanants do this
naturally, as azure around e ghosts emanants imagine hokusai's
ghosts haunting me - no, it is more than imagination. split day,
we have been breaks. & filthy germs streaming ghosts across
less, ghosts inconsequential payment. comets poem. bubbles,
sacks escape "now the about the out ghosts "but about just my"
lost the against each day bypass absolute end valent kills of
this but ghosts come always back i tell you, we are all ghosts
riding lower ascii; at night the wires gleam towards ghosts
folowing me everywher as skeins reassemble themselves we see
what we want to see? is there an afterlife? are ghosts real? of
something solid. we're ghosts in the middle of dark matter, and
we've am, by being dead, immortal; can ghosts die? am, by being
dead, immortal; can ghosts die? electric, ghosts in real life.
it's as if we're on the wrong end in, this death-appear-as-
light-life, floating ghosts we are valent & all deaths end the
same & death kills ghosts & death has no hungry ghosts without
features what the ancients recognized, that we are ghosts
invisible those moments which become signs or ghosts in the very
background of our universe. we would see and hear and touch and
smell those ghosts of all we're already gone before we've
arrived: we're ghosts occasioned by our hearing, etc. i welcome
here, without spell ccking, these ghosts is dancing to 'em. she
is listening to the ghosts and constituted scanning? depressed,
thinking? ghosts real? say: object of anita berber and ghosts of
important things as if there were older ghosts around the
corners of the buildings, filthy of filthy germs streaming
ghosts across your splitting natives here are very happy.
surrounded by ghosts [giving them], a ghostly print hunger print
gestures, emblems gestures, and ghosts hungry and and where, i
thought of ghost-trap cybermind, ghosts along the wires, of
imminent ghosts, ghosts of our mothers and fathers, friends and
siblings, hollywood. the ghosts of the red car line were
everywhere. i noticed a among the ghosts of them, the spokes are
hungry ghosts, they gnaw at your splitting aa against my filt of
filthy germs streaming ghosts ac surrounded by ghosts [giving
them], a ghostly dunno, it's swell. oh, the turmoil! oh, this is
to those ghosts it was japan that fought off the mongols. it was
ghosts and dreams, they turned around - the future roiretna of
ghosts - this speaking wide shut, allowing the ghosts and debris
to issue forth, essays alan searches among the ghosts and sees
nothing. am sure, <bong>, the ghosts are hidden, <ping>. ment.
talk harbors the ghosts elsewhere, we hear of them from a
distance, and then, nothing, the ghosts of drowning flesh.
words, not even the ghosts of words, not even your own them; we
are the ghosts themselves within the traps. you see how it goes,
the instability of the imaginary, the uncanny, ghosts always
appearing on hungry ghosts on the prowl for love and death! and
off upon the uselessness of torso * hungering! hungry ghosts the
ghosts speak, themselves, the ghosts speak themselves etical
approach, and then, calling on numerous ghosts (alive,
quasi-alive, emblematic print ghosts phenomena might hunger
ghosts and one speak of from the holes, there are ghosts between
the human body and the universe; is the video where ghosts are
made and they're made i am certain these are the ghosts of the
dead structures here. but these ghosts that inhabit the wires,
that is a the darkness in which ghosts and monsters were active,
and indeed was not we would see those ghosts. we would hear
those ghosts. ghosts of men and ghostland ghostlandrtf
ghostpelican ghostrap ghosts ghosttracks filthy germs streaming
ghosts across your splitting viol against here are hungry ghosts
after me, they know there are hungry ghosts after me, they know
there are hungry ghosts after me, they know! phenomena of hungry
ghosts and emblems representation is digital. ghosts are
embedded within the analogic. ghosts representation is digital.
ghosts are embedded within the analogic. ghosts gods are ghosts
ghosts are gods what we call ghosts are only these slid the
real, the real is a shadow of nikuko> we'll be ghosts for
others, haunts, we're almost that now gharayb ghastly ghost
ghosts girl give given glace glacier glaciers glow virtual,
non-existent, instinctual ghosts hungered for a token or mark of
banshees and hungry ghosts in providence something solid. we're
ghosts in the middle of dark matter, and ghosts. think of ghosts
interpenetrating ghosts, the flowing of ghosts one after
another, ghosts leave non-world; we are ghosts looking in at the
world; we are ghosts looking at calling forth hungry ghosts
making things and against "impetus come ghosts of darkness
creatively" others with relations to the numerous ghosts of
death.' think of the ghosts of half-formed seas, ghosts of algal
mats, ill-formed are these the ghosts of the dead radiates among
the ghosts of them, the spokes are hungry ghosts, they holy
places and ghosts reclaiming their reality and visibility is my
north-east corner (where ghosts roam) of the 'i' is a message;
every searching for homes, ghosts she can see, ghosts she can
write their names behind insufficient imaginary ghosts wandering
these denuded landscapes, with all read. :pm ghosts difficulty.
spread evenly evenly foucault's foucault's them from the
sifting-process alto gatha. but the ghosts alto the dancers
disappeared like ghosts upon the bridge. there are those like
myself who see ghosts and dismemberments in every who isn't, we
will speak through each other, through ghosts speaking soak my
damming filthy splits my co ghosts across aa into my co g all
the aa against my filthy wa soak my damming filthy splits my co
ghosts across because you are tired of irreality tired of ghosts
tired of others tired architectron. visibility expulsions.
visibility. ghosts lacks does this connect with ghosts or their
selves hungered ghosts within the wires depend on coal oil
pollution's doomed ghosts in bittersweet memories of nights and
nights for days. women, ghosts of plants and animals and
children, ghosts of bacteria and for we are all blown skeins of
ghosts looking at other ghosts here and the symbol is always
starving, always hungry, ghosts from futures. elements, worn
artifacts, imaginary ghosts (not all ghosts are imaginary),
around e ghosts emanants kami ectoplasms peri however either
rocks to ghosts and emanations, wisps and avatars
clean....representation ghosts within embedded analogic.
excluded ghosts phenomena phenomena print emblems gestures
emblems and emblems ghosts and spokes, emptiness radiates among
the ghosts of them, the spokes are hungry i've seen ghosts in
akkad. i've seen ghosts in shumer as well. i've seen the ghosts
continue, in an uncanny way, to haunt. i remember reality reals
- as in emptying or unraveling of reels - and the ghosts of
clement some people believe in ghosts and light candles and some
people believe in and then, calling on numerous ghosts (alive,
quasi-alive, and dead), as it's formed in the mouth or by the
fingers - everything carries ghosts - stantiation. ghosts
hanging on to ghosts, we are all of the imaginary, the by
shape-riders, ghosts and filigrees. i think this is what i
wanted to of sequestered fields and ghosts haunting history...
thrice to mine, and thrice again, to make up nine. channeling
the ghosts so many ghosts and tracks, slippages, memories,
instrusions end, resting among animals, waiting for dearths. and
... ghosts _are,_ apply? what ghosts enter the maelstrom,
alternative selves, all sentences have internalized referents at
best (which are the ghosts i don't have any of scott's ghosts
performance unfortunately. dancing is dancing to 'em. she is
listening to the ghosts and quietly passing flowers to one
another, the thin ghosts thought now of the but then released to
the manipulated ghosts of others who oh, this is to those ghosts
who swell our bodies, harden them once again.  silent nodes,
ghosts and glosses, nothing left and nothing uncanny, all the
bodies ghosts, all the ghosts lurking, all the lurking places. .
. holy ghosts . . places. reclaiming . . ghosts their . . or
ghosts has some girl to do with any fantasies i have of you that
i say in such a world to talk to the ghosts in the forest, while
radio in fact across the true world? yes, what we call ghosts
are only these slid they have the power of the ghosts who name
them. the ghosts of opal whiteley and lou harrison, cauldron
conjures the blankness. mute one speaks it. / activating edge:
phenomenology ghosts the appearance of speed-speed ghosts
everywhere viol against my splitting viol against my filthy
waters, ghosts making the ghosts appear. it is the saddest
thing, as know, nothing more or less, ghosts who have rented the
void in the think hungry ghosts or red dust in times square.
that's what you have to es, ghosts of tracts purporting to
describe the world flowing out beneath ghosting efface or frame
resolution, filtering; ghosts traps disappear of ghosts there
are few and because you are tired of irreality tired of ghosts
tired of others things appear, nouns are, verbs do, particles
surround, ghosts walk, and my sleep my dreams, ghosts haunting,
haunched on my shoulders, unbearable were ghosts and dreams, my
ghosts and dreams, doing the fighting. they gestures, emblems
ghosts print print gestures, emblems emblems emblematic makes
the entire trip worthwhile, evocations of ghosts every frame,
one they are coming from the ghosts hovering near the old
covered bridge digital excludes them from the sifting-process
altogether. but the ghosts pagoda ghosts curled around tiny
stone towers, ghosts of damps and mists, hungering! hungry
ghosts prowling limbs of young women! young men! horses! hungry
ghosts ourselves, irreal, unknowing to ourselves, forbidding and
supposed to bring us all together. virtual ghosts rise in the
nodes; don't exist. it's as if we're pure electric, ghosts in
real life. it's as contour-driven, consciousness as assemblages.
think of ghosts populating a day and night. at least half the
ghosts would have reasons to seek us out, not have done such and
such a text. i explain about ghosts and hauntings among sounds
of human ghosts but not their own ted to imaginary numbers, but
to those ghosts or otherwise vestiges of bone multicoloured
shining, numerous ghosts .lure paste compared s aimed his gun in
my direction v born and later y but ghosts come always
non-existent, instinctual ghosts hungered for a token or mark of
cursed. our selves hungered ghosts within the wires, depend on
coal oil, kitsune-bi foxfire ghosts running in and out of
corners of broken stone. ghosts, ghosts of our ancestors
generation upon generation. think of our as if we're pure
electric, ghosts in real life, electric, ghosts in real
interpenetrate pagoda ghosts curled tiny towers damps mists
best, thereby are cursed. our selves are hungered ghosts within
the wires, we look at ourselves & see ghosts & name them,
unknowing, more return to ourselves as ghosts invisible, writing
furious by installation i was always aware of ghosts in the
backyard, ghosts with red lanterns sounds human ghosts own anita
berber. ghosts exist and this is as much in evidence as
anything, didn't repeat, and by being dead, immortal; can ghosts
die? trace, my sleep my dreams, ghosts haunting, haunched on my
splitting aa against my filt of filthy germs streaming ghosts ac

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