Wonderful! I'd forgotten how good these were/are, even though I've got them on a disc on my shelf. I played them to my father-in-law, Jack Hindmarsh (now deceased), who was a church organist and a music teacher, and he really enjoyed them. Looking at them again, I found myself thinking 'Oh, this is the best one' as I came to each of them in turn, a bit like you do with the tracks on a really good album you haven't heard for ages.

I love the mixture of different techniques and materials used in the them - hi-tech and lo-tech cobbled together - and, as Ruth says, the unexpectedness of the subjects. And just the sheer exuberant inventiveness of the whole thing!

- Edward

On 10/07/16 12:02, Michael Szpakowski wrote:
In 2003 I put out a call for opera libretti of exactly 100 words, 5 of which I then developed into internet resident tiny operas,

with performances by a chorus of primary school students and with the principals sung by local FE students. The format in which I made them, shockwave movies, is increasingly unreliable nowadays

so I am converting them all into videos and re-posting them here


and on my own website. If you're interested the original project is here:




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