Just saw this in myu inbox, which cheered me up...


Dear Turbulence.org Community,

We are thrilled to announce that Turbulence.org will stay online for the
foreseeable future.

Thanks to the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO), the Turbulence.org
Archive (http://turbulence.org and http://archive.turbulence.org) will be
supported and hosted by the ELO (financial) and the Electronic Textual
Cultures Lab (ETCL) at the University of Victoria, Canada (servers).

The ELO was founded in 1999 to foster and promote the reading, writing,
teaching, and understanding of literature (e-lit) as it develops and
persists in a changing digital environment. A 501c(3) non-profit
organization, the ELO includes writers, artists, teachers, scholars, and
developers. Turbulence.org commissioned numerous e-lit works and
co-organized many public events with ELO members. Both of us served as ELO
board members for several years. http://eliterature.org/

The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL) engages in cross-disciplinary
study of the past, present, and future of textual communication, and is a
hub for digital humanities activities across the University of Victoria
campus and beyond. http://etcl.uvic.ca/

We want to thank the ELO’s Board, especially its President, Dene Grigar,
whose swift action and unwavering support brought us to this new
‘lifesaving’ partnership. Dene is Professor and Director of The Creative
Media & Digital Culture Program at Washington State University Vancouver,
whose research focuses on the creation, curation, preservation, and
criticism of Electronic Literature.

Future access to the Turbulence.org Archive will be limited, as we will no
longer have direct access to the servers. If any of you would like to
update your work, please contact us as soon as possible.

Finally, we will no longer need the services of long-time Turbulence.org
System Administrator Jesse Gilbert. We would not have survived to-date
without Jesse’s skill and dedication. Please join us in thanking him.


Helen Thorington and Jo-Anne Green


Marc Garrett
Co-Founder, Co-Director and main editor of Furtherfield.

Furtherfield - A living, breathing, thriving network
http://www.furtherfield.org - for art, technology and social change since

Furtherfield Gallery & Commons,
Finsbury Park, London N4 2NQ
T +44(0)208 802 1301/+44(0)208 802 2827
M +44(0)7533676047
Academic Work for PhD At Birkbeck
https://birkbeck.academia.edu/MarcGarrett <http://www.furtherfield.org>
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