here's a crazy one.

As part of my "Draw the Karachi Internet" intervention at the Karachi Art Summit, I'm proposing some conversations with people like John Perry Barlow, Brenda Laurel, and a couple others. I was brainstorming, but would you be interested in being host/moderator of my conversations on your Adobe server?

I think this might synergize on a bunch of levels.
It's be pretty tight, though.

I might set one up myself, btu Thought it's be good for us to triangulate the globe.

What do you think?

On 3/18/17 9:50 AM, Randall Packer wrote:

Videofreex pioneers Skip Blumberg, Nancy Cain, and Mary Curtis Ratcliff discuss their reinvention of television in the 1970s as a social broadcast medium ::: Monday, March 27, 9:00pm-10:00pm (EDT-US) (UTC-4) ::: Networked Conversations is hosted by Randall Packer ::: live & online via Internet chat.

Login & participate:
Select “Guest,”type your name, and“Enter Room.”

About the Videofreex

The Videofreex established Lanesville TV in upstate New York in the early 1970s, an experimental television project to forge the first pirate tv station in America.

In their own funky way, the Videofreex reinvented television, reversing its power as a broadcast medium for engaging community, a creative medium for storytelling, an artisan approach to television. They foresaw television not as a corporate controlled delivery mechanism for reinforcing consumerism and mainstream popular culture, but rather as an artists’ platform for invention and social interaction.

The Videofreex embraced radical television in their interviews with political activists and captured alternative culture in America during the 1970s when it wasn’t properly covered by mainstream media; they reinvented broadcast journalism with their direct style that challenged packaged, network television news with its slick format; and perhaps most importantly, they saw video as a collaborative, social medium, a people’s media: encouraging viewer participation through the free and immediate exchange of ideas and images.

Networked Conversations

Networked Conversations is a series of live, online interviews and discussions hosted by Randall Packer. The series features media artists, curators, writers, and activists exploring a broad range of social, political and aesthetic topics at the intersection of net culture. Networked Conversations collapses geographical and cultural boundaries via participatory Internet chat: free & open & accessible from anywhere in the world.

Upcoming Events

April 24 — Kit Galloway, founder of the legendary Electronic Café International (ECI) in Santa Monica, California

May 13 — Annie Abrahams, pioneering Internet performance artist from Montpellier, France.

Third Space Network

The Third Space Network (3SN) is an Internet broadcast channel for live performance and conversation ::: online and global.

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