Hi Edward& thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment. What you say 
is very helpful too and helps me to orient myself a bit. 
It's good to hear that the arrows tie things up for you -this is certainly what 
I would have hoped, that the visual aspect is something that might engage a 
Someone else mentioned that they found some of the map text proper -especially 
the name of businesses &c along the way - bothincongruous and evocative. I'm 
also pleased to hear the 'shapes' matter. They matter to me, those 'shapes' 
being deeply lived:).As for the writing, your comments are again helpful, but 
there's not much I can do in response , I think. I'm strict with myself -the 
stuff has to arise out of something I see or think on the actual runand I try 
very hard to tell the truth, both about events and about my internal responses. 
Much of the text is 'written' on the run , committed to memory and then 
transcribed later, although this process is by no means foolproof :)I do also 
try and make the piece as soon as I get back and certainly before midnight. 
This imposes, as I remarked in my initial post, some quite strong 
restraints.Maybe where there is banality or the overly poeticised this is a 
reflection of what I am. I'm not sure I'm aiming to be a 'good' writer here ( 
as I would for example in writing about art of any kind which for me is a 
literary task, with all that that implies)but a good 
 once said about a piece of work of mine ( I paraphrase) that it conjured up 
what it was like to be human being, which made me happy. Oddly a few other 
people have said that about various things I've done. This has never been a 
conscious aim of mine, but I guessthat this piece's self imposed rules come 
close to encouraging something along those lines.Anyway once again , 

      From: Edward Picot <julian.les...@gmail.com>
 To: Michael Szpakowski <m...@michaelszpakowski.org>; NetBehaviour for 
networked distributed creativity <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org> 
 Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 8:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] a little project
  Michael -
 I like it! I found myself reading about forty of them. They're oddly moreish. 
The brevity of the text helps. I like the little arrows which point from 
sections of the text to the places on the map where the thing being described 
occurred or was seen - partly because I think your inclination as a reader is 
just to read the  text and ignore the maps, and the arrows help to tie the two 
things together. Another thing I like is that each separate run-route with its 
accompanying block or  blocks of text has its own visual identity, which helps 
you to keep track of where you've got to in the Flickr thumbnails at the bottom 
of the screen. Writing-wise I think the weaker sections are the more 
self-consciously descriptive ones, where the diction can sometimes get a bit 
'poetic' or bogged down with artistic references. The best bits are the 
sections where the thing you're describing seems to absorb you more completely 
- the pairs of gloves appearing mysteriously on the grass verge, for example, 
or the ginger-haired boy smashing twigs in half with his forehead.
 At first I found myself thinking, 'It's a shame to waste this on Flickr; he 
should work it up into some kind of web installation'; but then after a bit I 
started to think that maybe using a ready-made facility like Flickr for this 
kind of new media diary was the most appropriate thing... I still can't quite 
make up my mind.
 - Edward
 On 13/04/17 14:13, Michael Szpakowski wrote:
    Last summer, after a gap of some years, I started running daily again. I 
did this because I had stopped taking a small dose of an antidepressant and 
although I was careful to withdraw slowly it hit me hard - I experienced a 
renewed depression and anxiety which was much worse than that which I had 
originally taken the drugs to combat. I was unwilling, though, to return to the 
drugs if I could possibly avoid this. The running helped me cope and, as I get 
slowly better, continues to do so. In early 2017 I started documenting some of 
my runs using the ‘measure distance’ function on Google maps,  taking a 
screenshot of the resulting image and posting it to the photo sharing service 
Flickr. I have been interested for a long time in things that somehow hover 
between image, diagram and text and this seemed like a fruitful example of 
that. Once I’d made and posted a few these it seemed only natural to append to 
the image some commentary on my run, things and people seen and noted, my state 
of mind, the weather… a kind of highly compressed diary superimposed on the run 
documentation and something which fitted with my long standing interest in the 
way that the internet allowed very naturally for long form aggregations of 
often diverse and lapidary components. (For years, from 2003 to the present 
day, I have been making small videos and posting them to the internet, a 
practice I have compared to the Japanese literary form Zuihitsu, literally 
‘following the brush’ - a kind of miscellany.) Each piece takes quite a long 
time to make and I’m very conscious of working against the clock to complete 
and post each one. I’m also mindful that, although I work hard to make my texts 
flow, sometimes, to meet my self-imposed requirement of posting on the same day 
as I run, I have to accept a certain improvisatory quality (which might be a 
polite way of saying the texts are not always as polished as I would ideally 
like.) I was deeply involved in almost the first wave of ‘net-art’ - it brought 
me into image wrangling and gave me an opportunity to have people look at my 
work and even to get it shown in institutions too. I’m saddened by the now 
overwhelming corporatisation of this space which has, it seems to me, destroyed 
many of the possibilities for art which were so exciting in the late nineties 
of the last century and the early noughts of this one. Much digital and 
networked art now seems to require large amounts of tech and funding and to 
have moved closer  and closer to everything many of us felt was disagreeable 
and backward looking about the art world. Little of it now lives on the net. 
The kind of enthusiast I was would now get channelled into spaces specifically 
made for ’enthusiasts’, for ‘amateurs’ - the kind of intermingling that was 
completely natural back then has almost completely disappeared. One of my 
responses ( the other is to work in more traditional practices, such as 
painting) is to try and maintain a toehold in places like Flickr, which 
although certainly corporate and equally regarded by both art world 
commentators and those who own it as a space for the masses rather than the 
charmed circles of the art world, nevertheless retain, if one looks carefully, 
echoes of that earlier promise. One finds artists, who, whether they would 
style themselves such or not, are making work of depth and lasting interest as 
well as in some  sense pushing back boundaries. Finally I want to say I have no 
idea whether this work is any ‘good’. I know I have a need to make it, I know 
that on my good days it seems worth making and it seems to me to offer 
something that, if not original (what is? what is? - we had *that* brought home 
to us forcefully by the network, and a good thing too), at least synthesises a 
number of practices in a way which still seems native to the internet as well 
as drawing on some interesting tendencies in contemporary art, particularly the 
kind of romantic conceptualism I associate with Richard Long and Sophie Calle 
as well as with groups like Collective Actions.   If you have a moment please 
take a look. It’s a big ask but if you have time I would welcome your thoughts, 
whether positive, puzzled or negative.   best wishes michael
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