Fragments of the Gods
Cathedral Square Providence

Ploto, Eucrante, Sao, Amphitrite, Eudora (not mail here,
femail), Thetis, increased httpwithemailinurl, increasesex,
linesofyelling, . increasesex

The use of Dieu in expressions like Mon Dieu is not
regarded as objectionable. Do not however say nom de Dieu.

"But it was the machine in them which was dreaming of love: the
kind of attention demanded by their work allowed them neither
distraction (thinking of something else) nor total mental
application (thinking would slow down their movements). The
machine demands and creates in the worker an inverted semi-
automatism which complements it: an explosive mixture of
unconsciousness and vigilance. The mind is absorbed but not
used; it is concentrated in _lateral_ supervision; and the body
functions 'mechanically' while yet remaining _under surveil-
lance._" - p. 233

"It would be true to say - and I said it above - that the semi-
automatic machine dreams through the women workers, lost in some
daydream and moving in a rhythm _external to them_ - which is
everyone's work itself _as other._" - p. 325

Quotes found in, Sartre's Critique of Dialectical Reason, trans.
Alan Sheridan-Smith. Discussion of female factory-workers.

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) :
Ex- \Ex-\ A prefix from the latin preposition, ex, akin to Gr.
'ex or 'ek signifying out of, out, proceeding from. Hence, in
composition, it signifies out of, as, in exhale, exclude; off,
from, or out. as in exscind; beyond, as, in excess, exceed,
excel; and sometimes has a privative sense of without, as in
exalbuminuos, exsanguinous. In some words, it intensifies the
meaning; in others, it has little affect on the signification.
It becomes ef- before f, as in effuse. The form e- occurs
instead of ex- before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, and v, as in
ebullient, emanate, enormous, etc. In words from the French it
often appears as es-, sometimes as s- or [82]-; as, escape,
scape, [82]lite. Ex-, prefixed to names implying office,
station, condition, denotes that the person formerly held the
office, or is out of the office or condition now; as,
ex-president, ex-governor, ex-mayor, ex-convict. The Greek form
'ex becomes ex in English, as in exarch; 'ek becomes ec, as in

Cathedra, on high, as in Ex-Email, Kneemale, Female.

NUDIPEDALIA, a solemn festival observed on account of some
public calamity, as the plague, famine, drought, &c. On this
occasion all were obliged, in token of humiliation, to walk

The Roman Matrons, when they made vows or supplications to the
goddess Vesta, always walked to her temple bare-footed.

- Wilson, Archaeological Dictionary, 1783


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