Dear all,

The third Cranbrook Video Festival is now open for submissions.

For the second successive year the Festival will be held at the Crane Surgery in Cranbrook, and the theme of the festival this year will be 'Family'. Videos on other subjects will be accepted for consideration, but videos about family are particularly welcome.

At the surgery we have been running a Wellbeing Project for the last few months, and feedback from patients indicates that the one thing they identify as most important to their wellbeing is family. But families in the modern world are under increasing stress from consumerist values, the struggle to make ends meet, rising divorce rates, homelessness and displacement, and of course the dementia 'tsunami'.

For this year's Festival, we'd particularly like to receive videos on the subject of family, whatever your take on that subject may happen to be. Videos should ideally be under 10 minutes in length, but longer work will be considered.

The festival will be held at the Crane Surgery in Cranbrook, Kent on Saturday 17/2/18. The deadline for submissions is 30th December. If interested, please contact with "Video festival submission" in the subject-line.


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