I Thought for a mom,ent that you had put your finger on it, the oldest
Unix gotcha of all, bad permissions.

But no - I shifted the certificate and key into
/usr/pkg/etc/openssl/certs and private, and now the error message
takes this form:

Oct 23 17:34:30 body postfix/smtpd[20176]: warning: cannot get private key from
file /usr/pkg/etc/openssl/certs/myserver.pem
Oct 23 17:34:30 body postfix/smtpd[20176]: warning: TLS library problem: 20176:e
rror:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start 
Oct 23 17:34:30 body postfix/smtpd[20176]: warning: TLS library problem: 20176:e
rror:140B0009:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file:PEMlib:/home/builds/ab/n
Oct 23 17:34:30 body postfix/smtpd[20176]: cannot load RSA certificate and key d

The bit I don't get is that the private key is specified to be in the
private subdirector, not the certs subdirectory, and it is specified
as having the extension .key, not .pem.   I used openssl asn1parse as
you suggested, and the key and certificate both make plausible

Permissions on the subdirectories are 0755.

Have I got faulty libraries, faulty data, or both?

Steve Blinkhorn <st...@prd.co.uk>

You wrote:
> --=-=-=
> Content-Type: text/plain
> st...@prd.co.uk (Steve Blinkhorn) writes:
> > This is still a live issue - apologies, I missed your post last week.
> >
> > Here are the file specs from my /etc/postfix/main.cf:
> >
> > smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/myname.pem
> > smtpd_tls_key=/etc/ssl/private/myname.key
> >
> >
> > It's clear from the runtime error message that the certificate is not,
> > in effect, being read.   But the current file names and contents
> > produce the fewest errors.   Could it be the .pem file extension, or
> > is there a hard-coded location for the certificate and ley that I need
> > to conform too?
> >
> > Or could it be that the content of the files is wrong?   I found
> > myself going round in circles and making no progres.
> >
> > This is NetBSD 4.01, with the SSL libraries updated to the latest
> > version for that release.
> I put them in /usr/pkg/etc/postfix.  Of course the snmp daemon needs to
> be able to read the files - /etc/openssl/private on my systems are
> root-owned 700.
> My key file is key.pem and starts like:
> The certificate file is post.pem and starts
> and both can be read with 'openssl ans1parse'.
> --=-=-=
> Content-Type: application/pgp-signature
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (NetBSD)
> iEYEARECAAYFAlJn8yAACgkQ+vesoDJhHiVi0gCfXu2AGdui5Sg+nd+5mnutBhkV
> aN4An3TgjNoqysvs7bcnfRniC/t/ioE0
> =Z18R
> --=-=-=--

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