Hello and first post here. Coming from the Linux world (Slackware lately) I find the Netbsd documentation a bit terse. I have researched this topic on both the Netbsd online guide and the install.html file but I couldn't find an answer.
My goal is to install the 64bit port from a usb image onto a local partition of my drive (currently Win 7 Home) but I don't want to install the bootloader yet. I want to be able to boot from a usb disk (either the installation one or a different one). My questions are: 1) At the stage "Installing the boot selector": http://www.netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/chap-exinst.html#exinst-partitions should I select "no"? 2) If so, how would I then boot the installed system? Should I drop to command line prompt and type some commands? 3) How would one normally create a USB boot rescue disk on Netbsd? 4) When I change my mind and install the bootselector on the hard drive, how would I make sure it wouldn't overwrite the Windows boot sector? Many thanks in advance. -- Ottavio