On Thu, Nov 07, 2013 at 02:53:47PM +0100, tlaro...@polynum.com wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to do a back-up of files served by an amd64 NetBSD node (5.2.0),
> and, in case of problem, this back-up has to be readable directly by 
> Windows nodes. So I use external USB connected disks (USB 3.0; the
> server has USB 3.0 ports too), formatted as NTFS, and I use 
> fuse/ntfs-3g.
> But the write performance is quite poor (1.5 Mb/s).
> Is there anyway of speeding things up? From searching around, it seems
> that the bottleneck is with the driver by itself.

Are you using the character device (e.g. /dev/rsd1a) or the block device
(e.g. /dev/sd1a) for ntfs-3g?

Is the umass(4) attaching via a USB 1 or USB 2 controller?

        Jonathan Kollasch

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