On Mon, 6 Jan 2014, Malcolm Herbert wrote:

> Alternatively, are there reasonably current stand-alone versions of
> pmake to be had that would compile under Linux that someone can point me
> at[3]?

See http://www.crufty.net/help/sjg/bmake.html
http://www.crufty.net/ftp/pub/sjg/  has recent downloads.

> It's meant to be portable[4], according to the label on the tin ... :)

> [3] I've got almost exactly the same question about mtree, if anyone
> has hints on where to find current source for that which would work under
> Linux too, that would be appreciated

At one time I had worked on a portable mtree using NetBSD sources on 
Linux, but I didn't try it lately.

> [4] unless this means 'parallel', I never got a good answer to this

"parallel"  It was coded for the Sprite project which was focusing on 
process migration. Their make was used to do parallel compilations 
remotely. It replaced the historical make in BSD in 1990.

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