
I really hope that someone can help me. I have been having a problem for at least 2 weeks and am unable to solve it. I keep getting errors when I go to datazap.net Connection reset by peer and this is what I found in the log:

[Thu Aug 14 14:15:55.284359 2014] [:error] [pid 9020] [client] PHP Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /var/www/imagehostplus.com/v2/ i.user.status.php on line 2, referer: http://www.imagehostplus.com/v2/ image.manager.php [Thu Aug 14 14:15:55.286818 2014] [:error] [pid 9020] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: topnav in /var/www/ imagehostplus.com/v2/i.header.php on line 14, referer: http:// www.imagehostplus.com/v2/image.manager.php [Thu Aug 14 14:15:55.323329 2014] [:error] [pid 9020] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: size_in_bytes in / var/www/imagehostplus.com/v2/pf.code.php on line 57, referer: http:// www.imagehostplus.com/v2/image.manager.php [Thu Aug 14 14:15:57.164502 2014] [:error] [pid 9020] [client] PHP Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /var/www/imagehostplus.com/v2/ i.user.status.php on line 2, referer: http://www.imagehostplus.com/v2/ image.list.php?fid=76684&jbl=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e [Thu Aug 14 14:15:57.166512 2014] [:error] [pid 9020] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: topnav in /var/www/ imagehostplus.com/v2/i.header.php on line 14, referer: http:// www.imagehostplus.com/v2/image.list.php? fid=76684&jbl=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e [Thu Aug 14 14:16:19.297614 2014] [autoindex:error] [pid 20217] [client] AH01276: Cannot serve directory /var/ www/datazap.net/sites/2582/auction-images/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html,index.htm,index.php) found, and server- generated directory index forbidden by Options directive, referer: http://vi.vipr.ebaydesc.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ViewItemDescV4&item=261551214995&t=1390852511000&tid=10&category=164315& seller=oldvintageshopaholic&excSoj=1&excTrk=1&lsite=0&ittenable=false&do main=ebay.com&descgauge=1 [Thu Aug 14 14:16:27.690236 2014] [:error] [pid 2515] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION in / var/www/cgi.datazap.net/core/include/user-status.php on line 2, referer: http://cgi.datazap.net/list/ [Thu Aug 14 14:17:53.270261 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:17:54.280086 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:17:55.289943 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:17:56.300010 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:17:57.319987 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:17:58.330016 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:17:59.340058 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:18:00.350006 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:18:01.359966 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:18:02.369974 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:18:03.379988 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:18:04.390015 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:18:05.399988 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on [Thu Aug 14 14:18:06.410001 2014] [core:warn] [pid 27503] (54) Connection reset by peer: AH00056: connect to listener on

I updated Apache, openssl, and apr today, which did not help. The problem seemed to start sometime after I updated apache last time, to fix the openssl issue and when I put in a new ssl certificate for imagehostplus.com (I also added and removed some domains at that same time). It sometimes runs for a few hours and other times only 20-30 minutes before needing to restart apache again. What is strange is that everything that I tried seemed to help at first, but then it would go back to needing more frequent restarts. I really need to get this fixed ASAP.


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