At date and time Thu, 25 Sep 2014 01:42:47 +0530, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:

> okay, i finally got myself a low end machine at an affordable price.
> the problems started after unpacking the machine.
> netbsd 6.1.4 (amd64) install cd just won't boot.
> after fiddling around with the bios (which looks like uefi), it booted, but 
> refused to install, after some more coaxing moved till the "newfs" execution 
> phase and then barfed.
> i tested with a bunch of other operating systems (ubuntu 14.04 and omnios), 
> which it install and boot up like a charm.
> at the moment, have upgraded the memory to 4gb, and run netbsd 6.1.4 via 
> virtual box under ubuntu (desktop) 14.04, but the resource consumption is 
> crazy, i can't even fire up firefox while running netbsd in that mode.
> any ideas about how i could make netbsd work on bare metal?
> or should i simply upgrade the memory to a total of 8gb (which is going to be 
> quite difficult a proposition at the moment)?

Have you disabled Secure Boot?

Gerard Lally

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