On Sun, 30 Nov 2014, Emile `iMil' Heitor wrote:

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/export/imil/tmp/test bs=1m count=1000
1000+0 records in
1000+0 records out
1048576000 bytes transferred in 42.619 secs (24603486 bytes/sec)

Turns out performances are not *that* bad considering the disks I'm using[1][2]
plus RAID 5 overead. I re-ran some benchmarks using benchmarks/bonnie++ and dd
but with 4k blocks this time, and boths results were consistent, between 30 and
40MB/s write speed.

[1]: 1x http://www.cnet.com/products/seagate-barracuda-7200-14-2tb/specs/
[2]: 2x 

Emile `iMil' Heitor * <imil@{home.imil.net,NetBSD.org,gcu.info}>
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