On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 2:40 AM, Greg Troxel <g...@ir.bbn.com> wrote:
> John Nemeth <jnem...@cue.bc.ca> writes:
>> On Dec 27, 10:56am, Greg Troxel wrote:
>>      One option would be to turn /boot into something that works
>> like pvgrub.  This shouldn't actually be that hard.  This is
>> something that I added to the project list a while ago:
>> http://wiki.netbsd.org/projects/project/xenboot/  Of course, this
>> would require convincing the VPS operator to use it.
> True, but convincing someone to write it and use it is far harder...

I think just extending the ufs code in pygrub to understand changes
since Solaris might be relatively straightforward.


(There are also plans that pygrub should run on NetBSD rump kernel, at
which point using the actual NetBSD ffs driver might be possible, but
thats  away off).


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