"D'Arcy J.M. Cain" <da...@netbsd.org> wrote:
> I have decided to give up on pf after banging my head against the wall
> (and the OBSD mailing list) and try npf but I can't figure out the
> syntax.  I followed the example at http://www.netbsd.org/~rmind/npf/
> but I keep getting errors when I validate.  I reduced npf.conf to the
> following two lines:

It looks like you are using the netbsd-6.  The documentation is for the
netbsd-7/current.  NPF in netbsd-6 does not support table naming so you
have to use numbers.  It does not autoload ALGs, so you can skip that
line and modload npf_alg_icmp manually.

NPF in netbsd-6 is very old by now; netbsd-7 has many fixes as well as
improvements and I strongly recommend to use that.


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