On 8/9/15 7:06 PM, ron georgia wrote:
> All,
> I installed samba-4.2.1 under 7.0_RC2. I had to you pkg_add because
> pkgin gave me an error message.
> pkgin: samba-4.2.1nb4 is not available on the repository

Hi, Ron.

Did you do "pkgin update" first?

> I configured my smb.conf file and started smbd and nmbd. To test I
> entered
> smbclient -Usamba -L localhost
> and got the following message:
> Shared object "libpopt-samba3-samba4.so" not found
> However when a search for the file finds it here.
> /usr/pkg/lib/samba/private/libpopt-samba3-samba4.so
> Another interesting point is there are no man pages for samba or
> smbclient.
> man samba
> man: no entry for samba in the manual.
> man smbclient
> man: no entry for smbclient in the manual.
> My questions are these, being new to the NetBSD community:
> 1. Is this a bug that I need to file? (I did search the bug db)

Well, it seems like there might be more than one bug.  But I think these
might all be pkgsrc bugs, not NetBSD bugs.  You might get more help
posting to the pkgsrc-users list.

As far as the missing .so file, that looks problematic, but I don't
know enough about Samba to know if maybe the .so file gets loaded
depending on what is configured in smb.conf, and maybe the pkgsrc Samba
wasn't built with support for a particular option you configured in
smb.conf?? Someone else will have to answer that.

As far as the missing man pages, I'd say that's a bug.  If I install
Samba 4, I would definitely expect to get man pages with that.  Looking
at pkgsrc net/samba4/Makefile, I see the following line:

CONFIGURE_ENV+= XSLTPROC=${FALSE} # suppress generation of man pages

So, it looks like the man pages have been disabled on purpose. :-(  And
they are not listed in net/samba4/PLIST.

> 2. Is somewhere I can "point" samba to the missing file?

It would be better for someone more knowledgeable than me to answer
about the .so file, but a hack might be to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
"/usr/pkg/lib/samba/private" in the environment of the process that
can't find the .so file.  But that's just a hack, normally you should
not do that.  The package should be fixed, or you're using an option for
which support was not built into the package.

As far as the man pages, no, they weren't provided by the package.



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