On 8/20/2015 14:40, Johnny Billquist wrote:
I would say that "stty erase ^H" is a suggestion on changing how NetBSD reacts to an ASCII BS character...

Hmm, OK, I see what you mean... I wasn't thinking of it in that way (and erase is already set to ^H, so it's not really a change :)

I'm actually surprised, since most people nowadays seems to actually want erase to be bound to BS, and I have found NetBSD to do that for me for the last 10 years or so. Personally I want to use DEL, and not BS. But I seem to be a very small minority nowadays. :-) And I usually have to set it that way myself, which is why I have a "stty dec" in my login scripts...

Maybe most people nowadays aren't emacs users? :) I haven't tried having the Backspace key send ^H in a long time, because when I did do that, pressing Backspace in emacs would bring up help. Also, it seems that wscons on NetBSD/i386 sends ^? for Backspace. But I haven't had to think about what it sends in a long time, since ssh is supposed to preserve tty settings when connecting to another machine, and up until NetBSD 7.0, it's just worked seamlessly.

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