On Aug 20, 2015, at 14:25, Dave Huang <k...@azeotrope.org> wrote:
> The question is what changed between previous versions of NetBSD and 7.0 that 
> caused the erase character to no longer be set to ^? when ssh-ing. IIRC, 
> during the setup of an SSH connection, the client sends the server the 
> various terminal control characters (VINTR, VERASE, VSUSP, etc...). It seems 
> that NetBSD is no longer honoring those.

OK, looks like ssh (sshd) is fine... it's tset that's the culprit. The default 
.login (/usr/src/etc/skel/dot.login) does: eval `tset -s -m 'network:?xterm'`

If that line is commented out, the erase character is properly preserved. It 
seems that set.c r1.18 is related:

     Restore logic for setting the VERASE character.
     - use terminfo _unless_ the terminal does overstrike.
     - use terminfo data not only for an unset tty.

Why "use terminfo" if the tty is already set?

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