On Fri, 30 Oct 2015, Mayuresh wrote:
Minimal == antiword (converts word docs to text)
Tried. Cute one, but seems to say "is not a Word Document." for just too
many files.

It only works on doc (Word 97 or before, I think) files not the newer DOCX files (which are really zip files full of MS garbage).

Small == abiword (standalone word processors that supports MS DOC[X] files)
Trying. Would abiword-plugins improve compatibility with MS/Open/Libre?

They do improve it's import/export functionality quite a bit. I can tell you right now that Abiword doesn't do as good a job rendering as libre/open office does. However, it's great if you just need to read a word document someone sent you at work. Abiword also works pretty well if you can keep the document in Abiword the whole time and just export Word 97 format at the end.

Try abword (doc), gnumeric (xls), magicpoint (ppt but not compatible), and
pkgsrc has gnumeric, gnumeric110 and gnumeric112. I will perhaps try the
latest out of them. But any specific recommendations?

I just use the regular "gnumeric" (latest version). I'm not sure why the others are there (probably someone didn't like the changes or it's a gtk2 vs gtk3, thing - I'm not sure). Gnumeric is really high quality, though. I've never run into any trouble with using it on .XLS or .XLSX files. I'd say it's at least as good if not better than the Open/Libre office spreadsheet. I prefer the button layout for it, too.

Take all this with a grain of salt, though. I'm the kind of guy who uses sed/awk/bc for a spreadsheet most of the time and I consider "sc" to be the next alternative. About 40% of the time, I'm not even in X11. I'm just sitting on the (now very nice) framebuffer console. So, I'm not exactly the most experienced GUI user. :-)


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