In article <>,
Swift Griggs  <> wrote:
>On Sun, 1 Nov 2015, Nils Ratusznik wrote:
>> I can clearly live with it, since the KVM is only used for installations 
>> and for first tasks. However, I experienced freezes on these two 
>> machines : there is no answer to a ping or ssh, and I get no display 
>> from the console (but I suppose this is related to the KVM problem).
>I have a very similar problem with NetBSD 7.0 i386 and amd64. I started 
>experiencing it with the 7.0_RC releases. I filed a PR (50182) for it. I 
>just uploaded some more information for it today. I can reproduce it by 
>just hitting my KVM switch until my machine crashes.
>This is what I added to the PR today:
>I get two different backtraces and a pretty consistent dmesg:

Do you have a netbsd.gdb for this kernel?
I would uncomment:

#makeoptions    DEBUG="-g"      # compile full symbol table

and use netbsd.gdb for this backtrace...


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