
many thanks for your reply.

I've looked in the sys/arch/amd64/conf files for the xhci device option,
but none of the configuration files have this option.

The system is currently running the amd64 NetBSD-6.1.5 kernel. Is this a
new driver only available in NetBSD-current? I was unable to find any
man pages describing the xhci interface.

cheerio Berndt

On Sun, 2016-01-17 at 15:58 +0000, Eric Haszlakiewicz wrote:
> On January 17, 2016 5:37:50 AM EST, Berndt Josef Wulf <w...@ping.net.au> 
> wrote:
> >I'm having problems getting the USB port on above hardware operational.
> Re: GigaByte GX-BXBT-1900
> >The boot log shows following lines:
> >
> >vendor 0x8086 product 0x0f35 (USB serial bus, interface 0x30, revision
> >0x0e) at pci0 dev 20 function 0 not configured
> >vendor 0x8086 product 0x0f18 (miscellaneous crypto, revision 0x0e) at
> >pci0 dev 26 function 0 not configured
> >
> >I assume that this is the USB interface.
> >
> >Has there been any advances in implementing support for the above
> >harware? Is there any way of getting this USB interface online?
> That's a USB 3.0 controller.  You can try a kernel with the xhci driver and 
> see if that works.
> Eric

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