How can this be done? I've Googled and there only seem to be vague hints, but no solid method to migrate in the way I'm proposing.

---[ Problem Description ]---
Server "Oldserv" = old MTA system I want to get away from
Server "Newserv" = new MTA I want to migrate TO.

1. Mail to flow to Newserv first.
2. If mail is for a local user, the mail stays on the system.
3. If the mail is for an unknown user it's forwarded to Oldserv.

I don't want the header getting re-written. So, I see people doing things like setting up aliases so that gets changed to That's unacceptable. It'll hork up the user's mail experience and re-write addresses that were fine the way they are.

The whole point of this is creating a method where I can migrate one user at a time to the new system without having to do a "big bang" migration of the whole company at once. The logistics of that are too big for me. So, I have to be able to take it on in chunks.

Plus, I'm not married to Postfix. I'd use Exim or anything else if it'd work. The postfix mailing list and IRC channel are super-hostile & abusive. I certainly wouldn't be heartbroken to never have to communicate with them. This is one of many reasons why I run NetBSD rather than OpenBSD ... Community attitude/spirit also matters to me.

This is a simple "checkbox" feature in Communigate Pro, but I'd rather stick with open source, given a choice.


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