On Thu, 28 Jan 2016, Derrick Lobo wrote:
Trying this new toy and would to have support for it.. vendor 0x8086 product 0x0953 (Flash mass storage, interface 0x02, revision 0x01) at pci1 dev 0 function 0 not configured

Personally, I've never seen these PCIe adapters work unless they implement a standard SATA controller (and most don't). I know for certain-sure that the OCZ Revo series will NOT work. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

vga0 at pci4 dev 4 function 0: vendor 0x102b product 0x0532 (rev. 0x0a)

As an aside, this appears to be a Matrox G200eW. This is just an server embedded version of the G200 that supposedly takes less power. The mga(4) man page says it supports the G200. However, my guess is that the pcidevs don't know the product code (0x0532). If you are having X11 problems, mayhap that you can just add that code to your local pcidevs, rebuild a new kernel, and it'd be supported. However, perhaps you are like me and couldn't care less if graphics worked on your server... I just thought it was slightly amiss that such an old VGA chipset wasn't working.

I loved my old Matrox Millennium II cards. So much 2D win... I've great memories of playing Sega Genesis emulators on the Linux framebuffer console before Linux got udev'd && systemd'd :-P


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